Capitalism and Pizza Hut

Start from the beginning

"Oh, shit dude, you don't need those," the robber shook his head again, now also maneuvering his gun into his lap as he motioned for Taehyung to move. "I just saw that in a movie once,- I'm sorry. I really have no clue what I'm doing."

Taehyung really couldn't agree more. This was definitely a kid, seeing as he totally just agreed to let someone out in trade for a pizza. Taehyung almost felt bad for him, in a way. He seemed almost as scared as everyone else in the room, if not more nervous.

"No dude, It's alright." he hums, the others all staring at them again as Tae turns a bit, allowing the other boy to loosen the knot of the rope. His wrists slipped out smoothly, indents lefts on red and irritated skin. "Oh c'mon, that's gonna bruise."

"I'm sorry," the robber muttered, picking back up the radio. "I've never tied knots before, I had to google it,- hey dude, okay, I'll give you...,- Hellen?" he had clearly pressed the button on the radio to communicate with the negotiator, but now he pointed at an older woman staring at him in almost fear. "You're Hellen, right?" She nodded. "Yeah,- I'll give you Hellen if you get me a half supreme garlic crust and half triple cheese stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut."

Another long pause.

"...-You're making us go to fucking Pizza Hut?" The first voice asks, exasperated. ",-shit, we should just let him shoot Hellen." he adds, forgetting to take his thumb off the button that lets them hear him.

Taehyung coughs again, "Hey,- uh,-"

"Jungkook." The other introduces himself, smiling softly.

"Right, Jungkook,- I'm also craving some cherry coke? Do they have that?"

"And Cherry Coke," Jungkook adds into the machine quickly, now opting for sitting criss cross on the floor in front of Taehyung. Really, Taehyung wondered if this was a child or not. "Oh! ,-and like,- a ton of wings. I've got a lot of people to feed, dude."

"If we're feeding everyone I think that's worth like, at least two or three people." Tae hums, Jungkook nodding in agreement.

"For the wings I'll also give you,- shit wait," Jungkook set down the radio for a moment, looking off to the side. "Seokie?" he almost sounded like he was smiling.

Taehyung followed his line of sight, landing on a young man with red hair and a ball cap on. He looked bored, or maybe tired.

He blinked.

"I swear to Christ," the man said. "If you're Jungkook under that mask who decided to rob a goddammed bank after Yoongi explicitly told you not to, I will not hesitate to fucking murder you."

"You are Hoseok!" Jungkook cheered, pulling down the mask that covered the bottom half of his face and,- shit. Taehyung didn't expect that. A felon wasn't supposed to be hot.

"Hey, dude! Didn't expect to see you here!"

Hoseok sighed in what Taehyung could only assume was disappointment. "I,-... fucking hell, Jungkook. You need to go to therapy."

This robbery kept getting stranger and stranger, the radio cutting in once more.

"You want,- lunch?" the second voice asks, "For your.... Hostage victims?"

Jungkook looked back to it for a moment, almost confused that it was talking to him. Then it seemed to settle in that, hey, this is a hostage situation, and he scrambles to pick it up and answer back. "Uh, yeah. I don't want anyone to get hungry, that would just be mean, right?"

Capitalism and Pizza Hut {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now