Capitalism and Pizza Hut

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It was a bright and sunny afternoon. A Tuesday in the middle of spring, where the flowers were all in bloom and the tree's sported bright green leaves. Families played at parks, the birds sung till sunsets, and most people were out living their lives and enjoying their days.

But not Taehyung. No, of course not,- that would be too simple. Instead, he spent his afternoon sat on the floor of a bank, his arms tied behind his back. Surround by the thirty-odd-something other people huddled on the floor beside him. Law enforcement barricading every exit, a young man standing in front of him, a radio in one hand and pistol in the other,- it was your typical Hostage situation.

Well,- almost, -your typical hostage situation.

The young man, a nameless face with wavy brown hair and a broad chest with an otherwise rather slim build, stood a few feet in front of Taehyung, between him and the front entrance. He tapped his foot impatiently, all their phones collected in a potato sack that had a dollar sign drawn on the front of the beige material. The robber listened to a voice coming from the radio that had been thrown into him. The lead detective and Negotiator took turns speaking to him, and he looked a bit stressed.

",-so just tell us what you want, and let the hostages go." A voice spoke over the scratchy radio speaker, "The better you comply, the less likely you are to serve a long prison sentence."

The man bites his lip, releasing a deep breath.

"You promise?" He asks, crossing one arm over his chest.

There's a pause in the static before another voice, higher than the last one, cuts in unsurely, ",-... Yes?"

He drops the radio to his side, now biting on his nails. Deep in thought, Taehyung wonders if the man might let them go, but instead, he's caught off guard when the man spins around to face him. His eyes cut to either side of Tae, seeing to it that the people next to him can't hear him that well, he leans in a bit.

"Okay,- listen,-," his voice is soft and melodic, warm and similar to the concept of honey and silk, and it cut though Taehyung's bones, "-,this is my first time to rob a bank? And I'm not really sure how to go about all of this, but what do you think I should get? Like it has to be good right?"

Tae blinks. Recalling any knowledge from every movie he'd ever seen that involved a situation such as this one.

"Uh,-" he looked outside, the police squad all looking in anxiously. "I could go for some pizza?" He responds. "For like, one hostage?"

The robber blinked, just kind of staring at Taehyung for a moment. For that moment, Taehyung wondered if he was, you know,-about to get shot for saying such a thing while he was in a hostage situation,- but that never came. The hand that the radio was in twitched for a second, threatening to move up to the criminal's mouth, before he crouched down.

"Okay, look," he whispered, looking at the other hostages suspiciously. "Because you helped me out, I'll share with you, deal? But! But.- but,- but...!,- you have to promise you won't let the other guys know. I don't wanna hurt their feelings when they find out they can't get any."

Taehyung just blinks again, not quite sure if this is actually happening.

"Uh, okay?"

The robber maneuvers the radio to rest in his lap. "Pinky promise?" he offered.

He coughs, "My uh,-" behind his back, he tugs at the restraints binding his wrists together, shaking his head to push some hair out of his face, "Hands, you know,- hostage, and all."

Capitalism and Pizza Hut {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now