"Who is that?" Obi-Wan asked as the hologram spoke.

"Good news, my soulless automaton friends. We now have enough of the Blue Shadow virus to start filling the bombs!" he said, holding up one of he bombs.

"He said 'bombs'!" 3PO claimed. However, (Y/n) was focused on the mention of the Blue Shadow virus. That deadly disease devastated the galaxy. Even the elves, who were immune to most illnesses, fell prey to this horrible sickness.

"We will only need to send one bomb to each key star system. Work quickly! I want them ready to deliver--" the hologram cut off.

"If those bombs get delivered, we'll be facing a galaxy wide plague." Obi-Wan stated.

"The war will be the least of our worries." (Y/n) finished.

"There is some good news." Typho said, pulling up a hologram of a map. "Senator Amidala found the lab. She sent us the coordinates before she disappeared. We've managed to get a geo-scan of the area."

"It's enormous." Obi-Wan claimed.

"It looks like there are three entry points: here, here and here." Typho said, pointing to different parts of the lab. The last entry point remained highlighted red as Typho continued. "This appears to be the main lab."

"And the bombs?" (Y/n) inquired.

"There seems to be an above-average amount of radiation in this area" Typho said, highlighting a lower part of the lab. "It's likely where they're being assembled."

"If Padmé has alerted them to our presence in any way..." Obi-Wan started, but way interrupted.

"If Padmé's in there and then we go in guns a-blazen', she may get killed." Anakin stated.

"Anakin, it's a risk we may have to take. I don't like it any more than you do, but Doctor Vindi and those bombs must not leave the lab." (Y/n) said.

"And if they or we detonate one during the attack?"

"Better to have one planet infected than the entire galaxy." Obi-Wan stated.


The three Jedi waited in the hangar for the two padawans to return with Peppi. Anakin couldn't sit still. His worry for Padmé was flooding his senses.

"Where are they?" he asked... again.

"Patience. They'll be here in a moment." Obi-Wan said, sitting on top of a few containers.

"You seem a bit on edge." (Y/n) said to Anakin.

"There's a good chance we're about to destroy all life on this planet, including ours and the Senator's. So, yes, I'm a bit on edge! Why aren't the two of you?" he stressed.

"We're better at hiding it." Obi-Wan claimed. He had no idea how much (Y/n) had been hiding her emotions. Not just the stress for Padmé's life, but (Y/n)'s growing infatuation with him.

Anakin gave them an incredulous look, but his commlink went off and Ahsoka's voice filled the air. "Master, are you there?"

"Did you find her?" he asked immediately.

"Negative. I'm pretty sure she's inside the lab. The whole area is wired with pressure sensors. There's no way to get in without being detected. But Rohan and I are more than happy to--"

"Do not attempt to get inside." (Y/n) ordered, speaking to both Ahsoka and Rohan. Obi-Wan stepped forward and pressed a button on Anakin's comm, sending the map to Ahsoka.

"I need you to detonate a bunker bomb at the south end of the facility. It should cause a nice distraction and seal off the bomb area while we come in through the hatches." he said.

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