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"Mmhm," Celeste said taking the male's shirt. He removed the soiled one on his back, seeming like his tummy had swelled a bit through the night. It was barely noticeable but still there. Ultimately pulling it over his body.

Celestial lightly shifted on his feet and looked up at the male happily.

Vladimir crossed his arms over his chest before he softly chuckled.

he shifted form and knelt down,nudging his side with his snout for him to get on his back.

Celeste huffed, ultimately shrugging and did just that.

Vladimir lowered down more considering his size come paired to Celeste before he got up and headed back towards the house.

The small manticore nuzzled into his warm fur, letting to the male walk them back to the house.

Vladimir walked up to the house stepping up to the porch and knelt for Celeste to get off onto the porch before being able to change.

He walked up and opened the door, "let's go clean up,"

The manticore moved against Vlad after he shifted, walking into the house with him. Lightly purring in content and happiness. Thrilled his tummy was full and ecstatic to be around his man.

Vladimir locked the door and moved carefully picking Celeste up and walked to the bathroom with him to start their shower.

The manticore nuzzled into Vladimir's chest, he had started to get a bit drowsy. Perhaps getting his tummy full it made him comfortable and ready for a nap.

Vladimir looked down at his man and hummed lowly, he ran a hot bath instead and stepped out f his shorts and softly pulled the shirt off of Celestial.

He moved and stepped in settling Cel in his lap and washed the smaller male before himself, not staying in too long he rinsed and got out wrapping celeste then himself before walking into the bedroom softly settling him on the bed.

When the smaller male clung a bit more he just moved and slid into the bed next to him kissing his head.

"D-Daddy," the small male whined, snuggling against him. Proving he wanted Vlad to stay there with him.

Vladimir looked down at Celeste and took a breath before he shifted and softly pulled the smaller male into his chest. he rubbed his back soothingly and kissed his temple resting his head down brushing his hair back gently with his hand.

Celestial leaned his head back, ultimately nuzzling against him.
Stuffinh his face into Vladimir's neck.

"Miss you."

Vladimir stayed quiet unsure what the smaller male was getting at.

Vlad's softly tracing small shapes against Celeste's skin.

The small male pouted tiredly, climbing on top of Vladimir like a little monkey. He nuzzled his face into his neck, trying to quiet down.

"Relax Little one, It's Okay. I Got You." Vladimir spoke pulling the blanket up higher up over him as he held Celeste close to his chest.

Celeste rested his nose against Vladimir's neck, wedging his arms underneath his. Seeming like all his energy had started coming back, but he didn't want to wiggle on top of Vlad again.

He couldn't help it and started to happily wriggle.

Vladimir looked down at Celeste and chuckled, "up again?"

Cel wriggled on top of the male, "N-No... m-maybe," he giggled.

Vladimir shifted up more and gently stopped Cels waist from wiggling. "well would you like to do something?"

The pregnant manticore huffed, not necessarily knowing what he wanted but he was no longer tired. 

He flipped off of the male and darted out the room in a fit of energy.

Vladimir sat up and watched the smaller male leave the room, he ticked slightly before clearing his throat and standing up.

His head titled back as he stretched taking in a deep breath humming at Celestes heightened scent. He walked out following him.

The smaller male hiding in the shadows of the house, perking up when Vladimir walked out. Ready to pounce on him, then he came to a realization.

"Dammit," he huffed, folding his arms.

"Can't do that because you'd know what I was gonna do. No fair with your hound nose."

"That's just you having too much energy right now," Vladimir turned and wrapped his arms around his waist pulling his back to his chest.

" Never stopped you before," He teased.

"Plus,I need your scent and movements." Vlad chuckled.

"But it's not fun when I know that you know that it's coming," Cel whined.

Vladimir grunted and kissed his cheek before pulling back to let Cels body go.

"Well..Then..i don't know," Vlad shifted and stretched popping his lower back before extending his arms up stretching his shoulders with a soft grunt before letting a soft breath go and looked down at celeste again, a slight smile on his lips as he looked over him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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