
Start from the beginning

"No, but-" He stopped, understanding her point, his muscles flexed as his head fell back in pleasure as she sat on his growing erection. He grabbed her hips, pulling her and bucking his hips as she rode him. He grunted softly, she leant forwards, kissing him deeply. She planted kisses down his neck, planting hickeys as she traveled, and all the way down to the lining of his boxers. She pulled them down, sitting back and tying back her silver locks.

"You're fucking stunning, fuck-"

He ran his hands up her waist, feeling as it curved in, a perfect hourglass frame. He lifted her top, his eyes sparkling at his sight despite the painted brown bruises scattered over her torso.

His eyes traced her as she went down on him, starting at the tip and massaging her hand at the bottom of his length. His head fell back as she pushed down, making it all the way down, he gasped for breath, grabbing the back of the headboard for support and trying not to moan, but he couldn't help it...


Lyra woke up in the pitch black, taking a few seconds to remember where she was. The gentle rise and fall of Fred's chest indicated her immediately. She lay with one leg across him, tucked under his chin. He was so peaceful, her eyes adjusted she noticed his disheveled state.

She realised it was probably best to wake him, the time was 4:07. "Fred? Freddie?" She whispered, placing her head on his chest. "Mmh?" His voice was raspy and low. But instead of leaving, he turned on his side away from her, "Can you be big spoon?"

She chuckled softly, wrapping her arm over his side and obeying. They'd have to be careful, but the thrill of being a secret almost makes their undercover relationship a whole lot more thrilling.


Lyra leant against the kitchen side in her fluffy pyjama bottoms and grey crop top, sipping at a morning coffee. "Have a nice cuddle last night boys?" She teased, as Ron and Harry woke on each other's shoulders. Ron immediately caught on, flinching away with a start. She giggled, as he walked into the kitchen, rubbing his red eyes.

"Lyra, you're a girl..."

"Latched on have ya? Only taken you seven years."

"Shurrup. I need your advice, how do I put this?"

Harry sat up from the sofa, leaning over the back with his glasses on wonky and hair like a birds nest. "He likes Mione is what's up, but he doesn't know what to do, because he doesn't think she likes him back." Ron formed his mouth into a straight line, nodding faintly with his eyes slightly squinting at Lyra. "Just go for it, Ron. Tell her how you're feeling. I'm sure she feels the same." Lyra knew her best friends, she'd seen right through them since fourth year. Hermione spoke on some sort of feeling for Ron, though dismissed it.

Perhaps it was about time she gave them a push in the right direction. "Yeahh, yeah! I'll tell her, I'll tell her! Thanks Ly." He walked off, talking himself up as Harry and Lyra laughed at the boy once he'd left. "Lyra, I was wondering if you could help me with this application..."

Harry and Lyra sat on the kitchen table, as she helped him with a form. Lyra had always liked Harry, it was her closest experience of having a brother. He was the first person to fully accept the Lovegoods, not deeming them even slightly odd.

He stopped writing, his head lifting up and pointing directly to the stairs. The sudden uproar of sonorous bellowing projected through the Burrow.

She knew immediately, but she'd never heard Fred like it. Everyone rushed upstairs, leaving Ron outside. Lyra stood behind Harry on the stairs, peering over his shoulder as Molly rushed into the twin's room.

"FRED, GEORGE, what is all this nonsense?"

Molly rushed in, waving a tea towel in Fred's face. "Nonsense? George would know all about nonsense! Tell her, George. Tell Lyra, mum, EVERYONE what you've done!"

"Well, George?" Harry moved aside, double checking she was there as Lyra stared in confusion.

"Fine, I'll do the honours! This fucking tosser, knew all about the snatcher attack! His fucking girlfriend ordered it, he knew all along!"

George's head dropped, as Molly looked between the pair, then at an awfully disoriented Lyra.

"George, is that true?" Lyra's tone was uneasy and shaky. Was this what George was trying to say the other day, surely he wouldn't keep her in the dark?
Did she know George as much as she believed...

"Yes. Yeah, it's true. I'm sorry."

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