What in your right mind| Chapter 2|

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You sat there trying to make sure Emma didn't notice you acting odd "Oh really? Thats great for her!" You said trying youtr best to fake a smile wich you've gotten petty good at over the years at Gracefield. Emma smiled at you and went to play tag with the others while you sat down next to Ray.

"Did you hear? Conny is getting shipped... What do we do?" You asked him. He seemed to ignore you but you knew he heard every word you said.
     "Nothing. We can't do anything." The boy said. He seemed on the verge of tears but at the same time looked like he had a grin on his face. You shrugged it off as you sat there ans watched the other children play tag.

You didn't like being in the woods because you knew what was behind them. Ray kept reading his book as you leaned over and read the first few words of the book. He didn't react but you couldn't help but notice a slight blush on his cheeks but you brushed it off. You two sat there reading the book until a familiar white haired boy appeared in front of you
   "You should come play tag with us Y/N!" Norman said. You just nodded and followed him to the woods. After a game of tag you all ended up at the gate and froze knowing your boundaries.
  "What do you think its like out there?" Emma asked. After that all of you had a conversation on what you wanted to do after getting adopted. (Im too lazy to write out this whole scene sjsnsjs) Your heart dropped hearing the word over and over again. Adopted, adopted, adopted. The word that you would forever hate. A soft cover up for something much darker.
    "Kids it's time for dinner!" Mother said. Well that's what you knew her to be. You hated calling her mother after knowing she lead your friends to their deaths with no problem.
      (Time skip brought to you by Emmas kneecaps)

You where watching and smiling as everyone said their last goodbyes to the poor clueless girl.

   "Goodbye everyone! I'll write lots of letters i promise!" Conny said. Don was crying seeing his sister leave the house. You knew what awaited her. Death. Nothing but death was this girls future. A few hours later they found her bunny
       "You can still give it to her you know? I can see the light from hear and the gate hasn't closed yet." Ray said fron the shadows. You knew what he was doing. Emma and Norman go to give the bunny to nothing but what you knew to be lunch meat.
     "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" You yelled at Ray. God he can be such and idiot.

     "Shhh quiet down you don't want mom to hear you yelling do you?" The rooster haired kid shut you up.

    "You know what they're going to see. Yet you wanted to show them anyways? You asshole." You scoffed amd leaned your back against the wall.
    "Calm down.. I did it for a reason. You'll see in a few months." He said with a smirk. 'WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THIS PSYCHO THINKING' You thought to yourself. 'But when has he ever done something to disregard your trust?' That thought eased you a little. You have no choice but to trust him and wait before lashing out.

     Later the two kids came back empty handed and traumatized. You knew what they saw and you didn't even want to imagine it. That night you had trouble getting to sleep as you heard emmas screams and cries. You got up to comfort her

     "Emma what's wrong?" You asked her pretending to be clueless.

     "N-Nothing..." She said sniffling. She thought of what happened and it only made her cry more. You hugged her as she cried into your shoulder. You hummed her a lullabye you learned from Ray and Mother. She calmed down and told you what zhe saw.

    "I know it must have been horrible to see..." You told her. "But its time to get some rest and start a new day tomorrow okay?" You hurried Emma to her bed and told her goodnight.

     Soo yeah I decided I couldn't hold off on chapter 2 so here we are 😃 IM really sorry but I'm gonna have huuuugggeee time skips because i don't want to have to write out every single scene from the anime zjdbdhd. This is about 705 words long and i hope you enjoyed!

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