part four

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As break drew to a close, i continued to get to know Missy, Hayley, Nas and was introduced to Nas' sister Razia. The familiar sound of the school bell rang again and I excitedly made my way to my first ever lesson at Ackley Bridge.
I entered the girls changing rooms for PE, the smell of different body sprays filled the room and girls stood in different friend groups, gossiping about the latest drama no doubt. Missy and Hayley are both in my class, which made me feel more confident although I would say I'm quite good at PE anyway.

"Ladies, ladies settle down," a tall man who I recognised from the photos in Mrs Carters office shouted, trying to be heard over all the chatter.
"Unfortunately, due to the absence of Mr Simpson, you will have to do PE with the lads today."
There was a mixed reaction from the girls all gathered round; most of them were all giddy and excited at the prospect of being around a group of boys. I got a nudge and a wink from Missy, to be honest I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend although I don't really know anyone here yet. I've had a few in the past, never serious though.

I walked out of the changing room linking arms with Missy, I honestly don't know what I'd do if I hadn't of met her this morning, thank god.
"Ooh, there they are", Missy professed, staring at the boys in the far end of the field.
We spent the rest of the walk over to the field in silence, just thinking to ourselves.

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"Missy Booth, nice to see you in uniform again, maybe we should go out sometime" a rather tall boy with dark hair proudly exclaimed.
"Yeah right Cory, you'd be so lucky", Missy uttered back with a smirk on her face.
"Who was he?" I curiously asked
" He's Cory, Cory Wil-", Missy began to reply

"Cory Wilson." The boy interrupted.

"Asking about me are you then darlin," he cockily responded. "And who are you, I've never seen you here before. If I had I'm sure I'd remember", he added with a smirk.
"I'm Ava, Ava Miller." I responded politely.
"Well then Ava, I hope to see you around." He replied and swiftly turned away back to the group of lads.
"He sure is confident," I uttered to Missy.
She was about to reply when she was cut off by Mr Bell shouting at one of the boys who had stormed off and was now running towards the school gates.

"OI, COME BACK HERE YOUNG MAN." Mr Bell raised his voice but it wasn't any use as the boy was now nowhere to be seen. Everyone began to whisper and gossip about what had just happened.
I didn't see his face, only his bright red bad and blue hoodie that he had under his blazer.
"Who was that?", I quietly asked Missy.

"That was Jordan Wilson, a right wind up." She responded.

Hey, I've began to introduce a few new characters and I'm really excited for what's to come.

As always feel free to leave any comments, I'd love to hear them. Thanks for reading.
lots of love

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