part two

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Ugh.. these things are so loud, I get the message. I thought to myself as I reached across my bedside table to turn off my alarm. 7:00. "Right, I have an hour to get up and ready for my first day" I exclaimed.
I needed to make a good first impression, start as you mean to go on as they say.

I carefully buttoned up my white shirt and tied a purple tie around the collar. I sat down at my dresser, looked at myself in the mirror and began to apply some concealer under my eyes. I added some mascara and the extra finishing touches, I brushed my long, dark hair down past my shoulders and sprayed myself with perfume as I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs.

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"Wow love, you look very smart in that uniform" my mum lovingly stated.
"Thanks, pretty colours for a school uniform ey" I laughed.
"Yes, very. Make sure to eat something before leaving." She suggested, handing me a warm cup of tea.
I walked over to the toaster and made myself two slices.
"You know, I think you will really love it here, Ava. New beginnings, opportunity to reinvent yourself." She lectured.
I nodded in reply but wasn't really paying any attention to what she was saying.

As it was my first day my mum drove me into school, we passed some lads on bikes, a group of girls having a row and a young girl pushing a buggy along the path. I was so engrossed in thought I didn't realise we had arrived.
"Right then", mum uttered cutting off my train of though. I smiled back at her.
"Have a nice day, good luck love" mum exclaimed.
"Thanks, see you later" I replied with a smile.

✿ ✿ ✿

I stepped out of the car and took a deep breath. You'll be just fine Ava, new start, new beginning, new-
"Hiya" a tall, slim woman in a long blue coat grinned. Stopping me mid thought.
"Hello, I'm Ava. New to Ackley Bridge" I replied, trying not to sound anxious.
"Miss Keane, I'm an English teacher here at the school. Good luck on your first day, these lot may look intimidating but they're all lovely at heart." she added, sounding very reassuring.
"Thanks, see ya" I replied, now sounding more at ease. Miss Keane swiftly walked away into the doors of my new school. I took one last deep breath before following her in.

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Hey, I've decided where I want this story to go so stay tuned! Sorry once again for a short chapter, I'll be updating soon, thank you for reading.

lots of love

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