"Daniel, please, please, PLEASE!" He whispered yelled. "Please, tell me you didn't do what I think you did?"


"Daniel, you did not just leave Jimin alone with that alpha in hopes for them to get to know each other so, Jimin can marry him later on down the line."


"Daniel! Why would you do that?!" Sehun whisper yells angrily. "Have you lost your mind or something?!"

"I have not. Also, Taemin is the pack leader of this pack and he's a very nice guy. I'm sure he would take good care of Jimin. I know they'll get along great."

"What the fuck?!" Sehun continued to whisper yell. "It doesn't matter if he's a nice guy or not, what matters is that you're taking away part of Jimin's freedom because your insecure and too overprotective of him!"

"I'm doing what's best for him!" Daniel whisper yelled.

"No, your not!" Sehun yelled back running his hands through his hair.

"How do you know what's best for him?!" 

"I don't know what's best for him Daniel but, what I do know is that it's not right to try a set him up with someone!"

"You don't know what's right for him but I do!"

"And how would you know that?!" Sehun questioned as he folded his arms.

"He's my little brother."

"So? That doesn't mean that you know what's best for him. Lisa's my little sister yet, I don't know what the fuck she needs. Only she can decide what's she thinks is best for her. Did you even get Jimin's opinion on this?!"

"Sehun, we're not doing this."

"Yes, we are Daniel. This isn't right." 

"Sometimes it's not about whether something is wrong or right, sometimes you have to do things because it's what you have to do," Daniel says, he passes Sehun but before he could walk out back to the party, Sehun grabs his arm.

"I agree with you there. Believe me, I do. I've had to live by that saying for a very long time, so, believe when I say I understand that concept more than you do. Sorry, to disappoint you Daniel, but, this isn't one of those moments." 

"I'm done talking about this," Daniel said before removing his arm from Sehun's grip and walking back out into the party. Little did any of them know, Lisa was listening.

(Jimin pov)

It would honestly be an understatement to say that I don't feel very weird, awkward, and nervous being left alone with a guy who I don't know especially since he's the pack leader of the other pack. What if I say something and screw everything up, then this guy will never work with us anymore. Daniel would be piss as fuck. "So, tell me about yourself omega." I suddenly snap out of my thoughts and look back at him. I realized that he's released a few of his pheromones. The smell was something like strong Russian vodka or whisky. Either way, it burned my nose.

"Um, I like to sing."

"Really? That's cool. I play the piano."

"Oh, cool. I'm not that good at playing the piano but, I'd like to learn."

"Is that so? Maybe one day I can show you how too. I'm really good with my hands."

"Oh...cool," I said nervously. Taemin makes me feel a little...uncomfortable, I can feel his eyes on me and it's not a feeling I quite enjoy, to say the least. I suddenly freeze as I feel Taemin move a piece of my hair out of my face before running his hand down my cheek.

"Sorry." He said retracting his hand and looking at my face. "Your really pretty Jimin."

"Um, th-" Before I could finish my sentence I feel Taemin's scent hit me hard. It burns my nose and almost makes me want to gasp for air from how strong and harsh it is. "U-Um T-Taemi-"

"Alpha, sir." Just then someone who I believe is from Taemin's pack runs up to us. Taemin quickly retracted his pheromones and I've never been more thankful for a complete stranger than in this moment.

"Is something wrong?"

"Yes, alpha."

"Jimin, sorry but, you'll have to excuse me."

"U-uh...i-it's fine." Taemin just smiles and walks away with the guy from his pack. After he leaves I quickly walk to my room and out to the balcony to get some desperately needed air. I felt my nostrils starting to go back to normal. Why the hell did he doing that?! I literally felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Ugh, my nose still kinda burns." I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I finally open my eyes again, I see a million little stars decorate the sky however, my view was obscured by the trees. My mind then ran across the perfect area to stargaze. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

"He won't mind. Besides, I'll make it quick, so that neither he nor them will be able to tell." I bit my lip and smiled at the crazy idea I had. I quickly lock my room door and change into some other clothes then, I walk back onto my balcony, stepping back a little from the edge, then running and jumping off the edge landing on my feet. Luckily no one inside saw me. I quickly turned into a wolf and ran off into the night towards that field of flowers.

My Alpha (Jikook au)Where stories live. Discover now