There's always a way to YOUR happiness

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So, it's probably 2021 for you, right.
Seems like the situation didn't get better but got a bit worse than you've expected.
How long have you been in lockdown or whatever already?
Are you still counting or are you tired of counting?
I can understand your feelings.
We all want this to be over as soon as possible.
However, we can't easily change things that we can't control.
Keep that in mind!
You know, these days, the government... The media... Everywhere they rely on that vaccine a lot because they think it'll fix everything.
But... Let me ask you...
Look deep inside of your heart, feel it...
What do You truly want?
What makes You happy?
Remember, at the very end, this... The earth... Is Your life and this is Your body. Whatever happens to Your body, only You are responsible for it at the very end. This will be Your future.
And now, let me ask you something else.
You know, what they tell you in the mainstream media, even if it is true or not.
Are you happy with the way it's going right now?
Are you happy when you have to rely on this media/news every time?
Have you ever thought about... what would happen if people get to rely too much on others/things outside themselves than themselves and their own needs?
All I'm asking you.
Whatever decision you're making, please never lose your true self. Please keep listening to your own needs the most.
I mean, just think about it.
Try to visualize this to find out yourself.

1) If you could imagine getting vaccinated hoping to "fix" the current situation/pandemic. How would you truly feel?
Describe/feel every detail.
2) Now, imagine, instead of vaccination boosting and trusting your immune system (or in other words: natural healing) to protect yourself from many diseases/viruses/etc.
Imagine especially the process of both of these situations. Which one gives you more positive energy?
The first one: which is more of a passive way (in my opinion) to just prevent the dangerous virus?
Or the second one: which will let you take an effort to take care of your body better with self-consciousness?
I'm not asking you to let your "laziness" answer that question, because I know what that answer would be.
I'm asking you... Please look deep inside of you, trust yourself, trust your intuition/instincts. Read more about the topic on the internet with an open mind, preferably looking at it from a different point of view and judging from there yourself.

Also,  if this all makes you depressed somehow... Think of this pandemic as if it's a challenge for you to get a new pattern/routine in your daily life.
Whatever happens from now on, you must know there's always a way to Your happiness!

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