chapter nine

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I smelled a fresh minty waft in the air. I turned to look at the clock, it was 7:28 am. I covered my face with the blanket, not wanting to get up. "Dracoo." I groaned. He threw himself on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. "Yes, milady." he laughed. "I don't want to go to class. My head hurts and I have a hangover from yesterday." I uncovered my face and tried my best with the puppy eyes. "So, let's stay in today. We don't have any important classes today." 

I gave him my biggest smile. "Yay. Good night." I covered my face again, trying to get comfortable. Draco started to walk away. "Oh and make me some mocha coffee please." Almost ten minutes later, Draco pulled the whole sheet off of me. "Wake up, Vic." 

"Aghhh. Cold. Too much light." I tried to get up and pull the sheet from him. He started laughing at me and when I tried to grab it, he threw it on the bed and caught me in his arms. He tried to kiss me before I interrupted him, "Morning breath." He smiled, picking me up and throwing me to the bed. He had me pinned down before I could escape. "So where's my kiss again?" Iput my arms around his neck and pulled him in close, our lips touching. 

Then, when I had the chance, I pushed him away quickly. "Hah. I gotcha." I walked away and to the bathroom, kinda freshening up for my day. I'd take a shower after my breakfast. Then I went to the kitchen for my coffee in my shorts and green hoodie. I turned to drink my coffee looking out the window when I saw my owl coming. "Hey, it's Evie. Can you open the window please?" 

The white snowy owl came in and dropped a letter with a green seal. Draco came behind me, "From your mum?" I opened the letter and read out loud.

"Dear Victorie and Draco,

My mother told me about the whole arranged marriage thing that's happening at Hogwarts. I would like you to know that I am actually very happy with the outcome. At least it wasn't that weird boy, Crabbe. I would like you both to come to the house for break. I believe that Is this weekend. And Draco, I know that your family is known to be affiliated with the Dark Lord, but you're still welcome around. Either way, we shall make the best of our situation. 

Love you both, 


"Wow, um you sure you want to come?" I asked Draco. "Of course, I have to meet my future mother in law." Draco was reacting very well, but I didn't want to get married. not this young. And I am far too young to have children. Why was I being forced? "Are you sure?" He walked toward me, putting his hands around my neck. "Yes." he said with a reassuring look. "Well, I uh- I have to take a shower." I put my mug down and walked away. I had this feeling of doubt in me. 

I took out a pair of black leather pants, a lacey black top, and a leather jacket. I took my towel to the bathroom and turned on the water. I looked at myself in the mirror as I undressed. I want to get married, but why now? Why so rushed? I stepped in to the warm water pouring down my body when I heard the door open. "Draco, that you?" No answer. Then suddenly, I hear someone crying. I turned off the water and grabbed my towel. 

I looked to see Hermione crying on the floor. "I've been attacked." She showed me the bruises on her arms and stomach. Then, Draco came behind her with a look of confusion. "Does Pottah or Weasley know?" he crouched on the floor to help Hermione up. "No, I came straight here." 

"Who did this, Hermione?" I gave her a hug. "It was Pansy. She was following me all around the castle and then when she came to me and started calling me a mudblood. I ignored her, but she went on and on saying, 'I know you like Blaise.' Which I don't, but anyway, she started attacking me and put the crucio spell on me and-" she started crying in my arms. 

"I'm gonna kill her." I said. "That son of a bi-. I'll take care of it. I'll also tell Pottah and Weasley." Draco grabbed his sweatshirt and rushed out the door. Mione was trying to force a smile through the pain she was in, "Looks like Malfoy can be nice after all." she chuckled. "Let's go to the kitchen. What kind of coffee you like?" 

"French Vanilla." She sat on the couch. "Ugh. Sorry to bother you guys." I looked at her with a warm smile. "It's fine." The coffee was now done. "Here, 'Mione. I'm going to take a shower. Here's a book and a copy of the Quibbler and the Prophet." I turned to go to the bathroom. "Thanks, Vic. I'd hug you but." She pointed to herself. I nodded back. 

------ Later That Day------

"Hey, Draco. What do you want for dinner tonight. I'm going to cook!" I said smiling. Draco came into the kitchen with a confused, but laughing face. "The last time I let you cook, you cut your finger and burnt the food. I'm cooking. You're better at dessert, so make something of your choice. I declare this A COOK-OFF!" I started laughing and rushing to the fridge. We had so much fun cooking. 

We were now both done. "Okay. You ready?" He started uncovering the dish, "Surf and Turf." It was a dish filled with shrimp and steak. "YUM!" We devoured that meal entirely. It was now time for dessert. "Let's see. You didn't hurt yourself and the kitchen is intact. What did you make" Draco said sarcastically. I took my sweet treat out of the refrigerator. "Triple chocolate cake!" We ate as much cake as we could and saved the rest for later. I notice Draco reading a book, so I decide to go bother him.

Draco's POV

"What you reading?" she snatches my book before I can have the chance to hide it behind me. "Hey give that back." She's already skimming through the pages. Oh Merlin. "ooh. A muggle book." She hangs the book by one page between her two fingers. "Vic. Give. It. Back." I try to use my persuasive charm on her, but she isn't fooled. "Draco Malfoy. Reading a muggle book?

I pull her onto the bed. She lands on top of me, hair all over my face. I tuck it behind her ear, "You know, you're very breathtaking." She puts a small kiss on my lips. "I know, Malfoy. I'm dominating, radiant I daresay." she says sarcastically. I roll her over onto the bed and pin her down. I plant small kisses from her lips all the way down to her neck. "Draco, we can't do this. Not right now." I get off her and lay next to her. "Alright, I don't mind me a lady that waits till after marriage." I plant a kiss on her cheek. "Now shall we read?" She gives me a big smile and moves herself closer to me. We laid there and read all night until she fell asleep. "Goodnight my love." I leave a small kiss on her forehead and shut the lights. There was nothing more I could ask for. I had everything I needed here.

I really hope these chapters were good. I've been working hard to make them longer and much better. I might add some conflict in the next chapter or maybe not. You'll see. If I should continue writing the book, please vote for this chapter. And don't forget to comment. I really need some feedback. Thanks ;)

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