chapter five

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"Hey, Vic," someone taps on me, "You're going to be late for breakfast if I give you 5 more minutes." It was Daphne. I uncover my face, it was almost time to go to the great hall and have breakfast. "Thanks," I say sarcastically, but I just put a smile.

I put my uniform and green robe on. When I get to the great hall, I see Hermione. She's of course, sitting with Ron and Harry. "Good morning," I say tired.  "Good morning sleepy head." 'Mione always has an annoyingly but fun attitude in the morning. I turn to Harry and Ron. They were talking about quidditch. 

"So, how was your first night?" I say, trying to create conversation. "Not bad, can't complain. I got put in the dormitory with Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown, and two other girls. What about you?"

"You won't believe who I got put with," I say ready to 'spill the tea'. I can tell Hermione is excited to hear what I have to say because she closed the book that was once open and turned completely around to face me. "I got put with Pansy, Daphne, and Millicent Bullstrode. And that's not it. Last night, Malfoy threw a back to school thing in the common room. And mid- party, he dragged me to go with him to the roof." From the moment I said 'Malfoy', she put that annoyed face of hers. "Go on." 

"He was telling me about how he had such a terrible childhood, which is true. And he asked if I could be his friend again. I told him not if he were to continue to be mean to my friends. Then I told him how I don't like when he calls you 'the-word-that-musn't-be-spoken.' And he said sorry. I think the world might end if Draco Malfoy said sorry." 

"Oh my Merlin. I THINK THE WORLD IS TRULY ENDING!" she looks over at Draco, but he doesn't seem to notice. "No wonder he didn't say a word to me earlier when I crossed paths with him. Thank you so much Vic."

"Well, I have to go eat breakfast because I have Potions. See ya later 'Mione." I get up from the table and head to my table. I go sit by Draco and Blaise. Poor guy, getting slobbered on and it's not even 8 in the morning. "Hey guys."

Blaise gives me a look as if saying you're talking to- him?  I return his look with, "Good morning, Draco." I can tell Blaise is shocked because I only can friends by a first name basis. "Good morning, Vic." he gives me that signature smirk. Then, when he finished talking, Pansy was slobbering on him again. I giggled and looked at Blaise, who was trying to holding his laugh. 

After breakfast, we had potions with Snape. "This time, we are making Hair-Raising Potion. Partner up with someone different than usual. If you can't then I'll partner you with the opposite house." I sigh. I'm always with Blaise and quite frankly, I don't want to work with Draco. But, before I have the chance to ask someone else he asks me to be his partner. I reluctantly say yes and we find a cauldron. 

"I'll looks for the ingredients," he says. "Okay." I start setting up my workspace and open my book to the potion. "Draco, we need rat tails, porcupine quills, and billywig stings." He grabs them from the shelves and brings them back. We were the first ones to finish and then Snape made us take some books to grandmother. Her office was pretty far and the books were heavy, but we successfully made it half way, when Draco decided to take a break. We dropped the books and sat by the stairs. "Finally," I let out the biggest sigh. "I swear if I held those books for another second..." 

Draco looks at me and starts laughing, "So dramatic." I give him a playful shove. "I wonder who I learned it from, Mr. Gets Hurt A Lot." I look at the time and 10 minutes have passed. "We've got to get this to my grandmother." We get up and grab the books. "I forgot that McGonagall was your grandma." We continue down the long hall making jokes and laughing. I walk into the room first and drop the books down, Draco follows behind me. 

"Hello, Grandma." I say. She was looking over some tests and got up. She came and gave me a hug. "Hello, Victorie. Hello, Mr. Malfoy." Draco goes to give grandmother a hand shake. "Hello, Mrs. McGonagall." He started to head out the room. "Draco just wait outside for me, I'll be right there." When he left, I had some small talk with grandmother, the usual. Then, I gave her a big warm hug. "Sorry grandma, I've got to go. Professor Snape is waiting on us." I start walking out and right before I shut the door, Grandmother call my name. "Yes?" She looks at me smugly and gives a wink and says, "Behave."

I shut the door and to my surprise, Draco actually waited for me. The boy that is impatient. "I'll race you to the half mark. You'll get a 10 second head start." I smirk at him and start darting. Then, I can see that he's catching up to me, so I speed up. He caught up to me and said, "You tired already?" I shake my head no and try to catch up to him. I can tell that he kind of slowed a bit, but tried to make it unnoticed. 

When I caught unto him, I said, "You tired already?" Then I made it to the half mark and fell to my knees. Oh shit. I take my inhaled out of my pocket. Draco came next to me, out of breath. You okay, Vic?" I try to catch my breath, "Yeah, I was just having an asthma attack. I'm fine." Draco helps me get up and puts his armoire my shoulder. I don't know why, but the feeling of him being close makes me feel warm, very warm. We continue to walk until we reach Snape's class again. Everyone was heading out, so we grabbed or things and headed to the next class. 

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