Chapter 21: Anticipation

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 "So George," Lee started, getting comfortable under Fred's arm. Daisy was happy for her friends, they were finally comfortable with each other, "how exactly did you get to the bottom of the black lake?"

"Yeah how exactly did that happen," Daisy pondered, "you never came back last night and we didn't see you this morning."

"It was really weird," he began, leaning forward so the ground could hear him better, "I follow McGonagall to Dumbledore's office, been there a million times before so I pretty much know the way by heart. This one time actually, me and Fred-"

"What happened when you got there, mate," Fred called out, used to his brother's side tracking.

"Right," George chuckled softly, making Daisy blush. His laugh made her happy, "anyways, I get there and Ron and Hermoine were there. They were so bloody confused, talking all hushed to each other. Ron was all protective over Hermoine, he was real close to her..."

"They snog each other yet?" Daisy laughed, "we all see it, right?"

"Not that we know of," Fred started, "suppose it's only a matter of time with those two," he looked at his brother, "I got a bet with this one, won't happen til after they graduate."

"He put 3 sickles on it, I have more faith in our brother."

"Oh I'm getting my sickles," Fred started.

"The hell you are," George challenged him. Daisy only looked over at Lee as the boys bickered, they only rolled their eyes at each other. Lee picked up a pillow and raised his eyebrows at her, she picked up one as well.

"Three, two, one," the twins were too busy arguing to notice their plot, and Lee and Daisy immediately jumped up and attacked their boyfriends with the pillows.

"HEY!" Fred yelled.

"WHAT'S THAT FOR?" George responded, quickly dismarming Daisy.

"You two are gits, is what it's for," Daisy laughed, waiting for Lee to back her up. She didn't get a response, though. When she turned to look and Lee he and Fred were already kissing.

"Oh common," George looked for a pillow and promptly threw it at them, "get a room!"

"Technically we do have one," Lee broke the kiss, his eyes still on Fred.

"Yeah, you just live there too," Fred continued, not looking away from Lee.

"Yeah we're just gonna..." Daisy looked to George, who was thinking the same thing. George picked up his jumper off the table and they quickly left the common room, heading outside towards the black lake. Sure, it was February and it was getting dark, but neither of them really minded the cold.

"Wanna continue your story from earlier?" Daisy asked once they had settled near the black lake. Georges back was slumped against a tree, she leaned her head on his chest while she played with his fingers that were dangled around her waist, "you never got to finish."

"Yeah, where exactly did I end off?"

"Something about Ron and Hermione being there."

"Yeah, they were already there when I got there, asked if I knew what was happening," he started.

"So none of you knew why you were there?" She asked, a bit confused about how this was all somehow legal.

"No, they brought in Cedric's girl Cho- is that his girl?" He asked her, furrowing his brows.

"Your guess is good as mine, I haven't been able to talk to him about it yet..." She trailed off, the same question lingering in her mind.

"I think she is, why else would they have brought her in," George shrugged, she only nodded in response, "and then they brought in the little blonde girl Harry saved for Fleur, I think it was her sister."

"That's what I was told, yeah..."

"They explained very briefly what was gonna happen," He began gesturing with his hands, "we all protested, Hermoine started yelling at them, saying she would be going back to her dorm. They said we didn't have a choice."

"Really, they made you do it?" Daisy asked.

"Yeah... they stunned us with some spells I didn't catch, it was weird. I was totally conscious the whole time, but I couldn't do anything."

"So you heard and saw everything?" Daisy asked, remembering there brief interaction at the bottom of the black lake.

"Yeah," Daisy could feel him smiling, "you looked good with a tail," he chuckled to himself slightly.

"Oh shut it, you dork," she slapped his hand playfully, "you didn't tell me it was gonna do that to me."

"Well to be fair I was stunned, both literally and by you."

"Like I said, dork," she blushed at his comment.

"Seriously though, Diggory," he started, she turned and sat up and looked at him, "I'm really proud of you."

"Proud of me?" She asked, furrowing her brows, "what for?"

"You're whole approach to this situation," he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, "you didn't want to be in the tournament. But you got selected because of my git brother and you took it head on."

"I did do that, didn't I?" Daisy asked, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Don't get cocky on me, I'm being nice," he laughed, tracing up and down her fingers as he talked, "and when I was at the bottom of the lake, you were so composed. You didn't hesitate for a minute, or freeze up. I seriously admire your bravery."

"I'm not brave..." she couldn't meet his eyes, "truth be told, I was terrified. I didn't know what I would do if something had happened to you..."

"How did you know I was at the bottom of the lake?" George asked, she looked back up at him.

"What else would it be?" She smiled at him softly, holding both his hands, "there's no one I love more than you."

A stupid smile flashed over Georges face. She'd already told him she loved him before, but everytime she said it he fell in love all over again.

"I'm glad I have you to save me, I love you more than you'll ever know."

"Well I definitely love you more," Daisy tested him, his soft expression turned to one of competition.

"What makes you think that?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I just saved you from the bottom of the black lake," she laughed at him.

"You couldn't have done that without my potion, could you?"

"Potion or not, I would have dove down there just as fast," his expression softened at this, but he never let his guard down for long.

"Guess I'll just have to prove it to you..." George spoke softly, leaning towards her.

"And how do you plan on doing that..." Daisy talked into his mouth, ready to feel his lips.

"Meet me in the common room," George whispered to her lips, "tomorrow night, 8 o'clock." He pulled away from her, moving his lips up to her ear, "and wear something nice for me, won't you, Angel?"

Daisy's eyes widened, she'd never seen George be so assertive. He left her at the base of a tree overlooking the black lake, quickly going back to the common room. Daisy couldn't exactly process what had just happened, but she knew she would be in the common room at 8'oclock tomorrow night.

She already knew what she was going to wear.

What I've Lost and What I've Gained (George Weasley)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora