Chapter 16: Whatever The Hells Inside The Egg

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It was about a month after Christmas, now the beginning of February. Daisy Diggory was as stumped as ever about the egg she'd won from the dragon.

Daisy hadn't needed to open the egg, Harry had done that at the beginning of the party, and it was a terrible noise. She had assumed the clue wasn't inside because of that, so she'd spent a lot of her free time memorizing what the outside of the egg looked like.

"Maybe I got a faulty one..." She spoke, exasperated at lunch one day, she angrily stabbed her food with her fork, "I mean I've spent HOURS looking at the bloody egg, what am I missing?"

"Are there any patterns to it?" Lee asked her, he had been helping her a bit with the egg, he was a lot more helpful then the twins, who constantly got distracted. They got side tracked as well, but it wasn't as often and it definitely wasn't for as long.

"No, I've checked a thousand times for any repeats or patterns, there nothing. Just mindless doodles, if you ask me."

"Well that's ridiculous, it's got to be that terrible noise, then..."

"How is screeching supposed to help me figure out the next task?" She asked Lee, but mostly herself. She'd been trying to figure out if the screeching meant anything, but it seemed to be a repellent, "Even if it did, I can't listen to it for more than 5 seconds without getting a headache."

"Well what if you've got to do something to the noise?" Lee began, taking his single idea and riding with it, "like put it really high up or something?"

"I suppose there's no harm in trying, we could go to the astronomy tower?" She suggested, "food's terrible anyways, I'm not really hungry."

"I don't have a class for a few hours..." Lee added, "we'll see you later, boys," he said to Fred and George, who were in their own world of wizards chess.

"Where are you two going?" Fred asked, his mouth stuffed with chicken and only half paying attention.

"Yeah, can we come?" George added, looking up at Daisy with a questioning look.

"We're gonna go try to figure out the egg..." Daisy added, "we'll find you if we need any fireworks or candy that makes us throw up."

"We'll be here," George smiled at her as she kissed him softly on the cheek.

Lee and Daisy walked out of the Great Hall and towards the astronomy tower, talking of the twins as they went.

"So how are things with you and Fred?" Daisy asked casually.

"Good... I think," he questioned himself.

"You think? Why's that?"

"I think he's still getting used to the idea of me being a... well a guy," Lee stated bluntly.

"He likes you a lot, you know that right?" Daisy tried her best to reassure him. Truth be told, she never really had to do relationship advice, it was usually Ginny who gave it to her and Hermoine despite being the youngest. She still tried her best, "He never stops talking about you."

"Really?" Lee spoke softly, a blissful smile on his face.

"All the time," Daisy giggled, "I mean, you two went to the ball together. He wouldn't have asked you if he wasn't sure, right?"

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense..." He smiled at her.

"Of course it does."

"Thanks," He spoke softly, almost too deep in thought to conjure a proper sentence.

A minute or so later they arrived at the astronomy tower and climbed to the top. It was only used at night, so no was there. Thank Merlin, it wasn't unlikely to find couples making out at the top.

What I've Lost and What I've Gained (George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now