Chapter 19: The Bottom Of The Black Lake

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The days before the task had flown by, it was now the evening before the task and she had yet to receive anything from the twins. Daisy hadn't seen much of them the past couple of days, when she did it was only in quick passing, George mentioned they were close to something that was working.

"How do you know you're close, exactly?" Daisy asked one day at dinner on Wednesday.

"Well we eat the thing and see how long we can hold our breath," Fred asked, shoveling food into his mouth.

"I've got the record at 52 minutes!" George beamed.

"I need it for at least an hour," She began, "you guys have still got a few days though."

"Relax Rosie," Fred smiled at her, "have some faith in us, would you?"

"I believe I did that during the first task," she laughed as she ate her food.

Once again, Thursday night. She still had nothing for her to breathe tomorrow. But of course, her boys wouldn't let her down.

"Diggory!" George yelled as he ran into the common room.

"My boys!" She yelled back, "got any news for me?"

"Any news?" Fred scoffed, "Would you like to tell her, or should I?"

"I dunno Freddie, I could tell her if you want me to."

"Oh well I think I might like to do it," Fred protested.

"Will you two tell me what's happening already!?" Daisy broke up there bickering.

"We got your water breathing thingy all ready," George stated blandly, holding a vial of blue liquid in his hands.

"Why's it always food with you two?" She gasped, taking the liquid from them and examining it.

"What would you rather, we give you some fancy snorkel stuff?" Fred laughed.

"Whatever," Daisy smiled, "thanks, boys."

"Course', Dais," George smiled and kissed her.

"Merlin!" Fred yelled, "Get a room!"

"Oh shut up, Freddie," Daisy laughed.

"Excuse me," A shrill voice said from behind them, it was Professor McGonagall, "Dumbeldore wants to speak to Mr.Weasley."

"You can't prove anything, it wasn't us," Fred retorted, smiling at George.

"We haven't done anything in the past few days," George added, "been busy making something for this one," he pointed at Daisy.

"We're aware you two didn't do anything," she started, "we just need to talk to George," she looked towards George now. He seemed just as confused as Fred and Daisy.

"Me?" George questioned, McGonagall nodded, "What'd I do?"

"You're no in trouble, Mr.Weasley," she smiled, "He just wants to talk to you."

The twins gave each other looks, like they were talking telepathically. After a few seconds, they shrugged at the same time and George directed his attention to Daisy, "I'll come find you before the task tomorrow."

She nodded at him, and George and McGonagall walked out of the common room.

"What'd you guys do?" Daisy looked towards Fred.

"Nothing!" He retorted, she raised an eyebrow at him, "seriously, we've been making your water breathing thing since you asked us. We haven't had much time to spare..."

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