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"bruh, why tf does she think I like bakugo.... now she's ending me death threats wtf" you say angrily in your head.

that night you couldn't sleep at all, you stayed up overthinking about the text message.


your annoying alarm woke you up and you quickly opened your eyes, you groan and slowly drag yourself out of your bed because you literally got like 5 mins of sleep.

you went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, bitch your eyes were red asf... it looked like you were high or sum shit.

"You've got to be kidding me" you say under your breath

you decided to take a shower HOPING it would wake you up a bit more and make your eyes less red.

you get out the shower and your eyes were still red... actually it was worse.

"ugh this is what I get for overthinking" you say as you roll your eyes

You get changed into your uniform and then suddenly get a knock on your door.

it was Mina.

"MORNI-" she stops and looks at your eyes

"wtf happened to your eyes girl, did you get high? Without me!?" she's says coming closer to you to get a closer look.

"no! I just couldn't sleep yesterday" you say

"why?" She asks with a 🤨 face

you wanted to tell her about the text message but you couldn't because you didn't want any drama.

"nothing" you say shrugging.

"hm okay" she says suspiciously.

"okay now leave, I gotta fix my face" You say pushing her out

"fine, meet you in class" she says leaving the room, but still looking at you suspiciously

you close the door and sigh loudly.

you drag yourself into the bathroom to try and find something that would cover your eyes.

you see some ugly ass sunglasses that your grandma bought you in your bag and just decided to put them on. After, you lay your edges and leave your room.

you walk out and see uraraka coming out of her room (which was opposite yours).

yall both stop and look at each other, she rolls her eyes and laughs, ouuuuu this got you hella mad... you was about to beat the living shit out of her.

but just then lida comes into the corridor and shouts at yall for not being in class

"Sorry lida" she says, acting all innocent.

you walk into class and sit down beside bakugo who was listening to music (as always).

Mina comes up to you and laughs

Emotions: bakugo x black reader Where stories live. Discover now