"For the spinal tap, I'll be inserting a needle between two sections of your spine, L4 and L5, so I can draw a sample of spinal fluid. Laying in the fetal position widens the gap between L4 and L5 making it easier to take the sample," Renzo says, cleaning the area and numbing it. "It's common to experience soreness or tenderness in the lower back, slight bleeding or headache in the next few days. After the spinal tap, I am required to keep you under observation for an hour, then you're free to go home. I recommend at least four hours bed rest after that."

"I hear you loud and clear, doctor Renzo," Midoriya whispers, wishing the whole thing was done and behind him.

"And numb the area, but you might feel a little pressure. Now, I want you to exhale slowly for me…" Renzo presses the needle into the greenette as he exhales, her hands perfectly steady. As a doctor who frequently had Pros as her patients, she was used to doing all sorts of procedures most really had a reason to perform.

She collects a sample and remove the needle as slowly as she inserted it. A small drop of blood blossoms from the spot, not quite enough to turn into a trickle. She tapes piece of gauze to Midoriya's back, instructing him to stay on his side or stomach until the numbing agent wore off, then he can sit up. Renzo then left the room, telling a nurse to check on him every 10 to 15 minutes.

Once the hour was up, Midoriya texted Bakugou. The blond instantly replied, saying he was in the same spot. He also told Midoriya to  'hurry the fuck up, you damn nerd,'  making the greenette roll his eyes. Some things never changed.

When Midoriya came outside, he saw Bakugou was leaning against the driver's side door, waiting for him. "Oi,  nerd. Want to grab lunch before I take you home?"

 "Sure Kacchan. I'm buying," Midoriya says, smiling as he gets into the car.

 "Damn right you are," Bakugou grumbles, getting in the driver's seat. "There's Mexican takeout place nearby Kiri and I like." 

"How is Kirishima? "

 "Busy, like every other Pro. Not being lied to by his boyfriend." Bakugou gives Midoriya a pointed stare.

"I'll tell Todoroki tonight... Or, I'll at least tell him before the results are in," Midoriya says before changing the subject. "I heard you invited Kirishima to move in with you. "

The blond narrows his eyes, noticing the change, but deciding not to call Midoriya out on it. "Yeah, Kirishima was through the roof about it. I figured he stays at my place often enough there's no point in both of us paying rent."

"You take the romance out of everything, Kacchan! We've all heard you say 'I love you't to Kirishima, so there's no point in trying to play this so cool."

"Deku, if you don't shut it, you'll be walking home!"

"Aw, come on, Kacchan. You won't do that to your best friend…"

Bakugou groans, angry and annoyed, as he pulls into the restaurant. The boys go in and get the burritos, Bakugou putting so much hot sauce on his Midoriya wondered if he could taste anything else. After the ate, Bakugou took Midoriya home.

The greenette walked inside, smiling. Despite the fact the real reason he and Bakugou had seen each other wasn't pleasant, Midoriya had enjoyed the visit. He haven't seen so many of his former classmates in a long time, and was surprised by how much he missed them. Maybe he should see if he could meet up with some of them? 

Yeah, he decided. He would figure out a time to meet with everyone.


It had been three days since Midoriya went in for the nerve biopsy and spinal tap. Three days, and still he hadn't told Todoroki , even though the greenette could tell there was something seriously wrong with him.

Sayonara: If that's the way it isOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora