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  The waltz began with an accordion solo that slowly progressed and was drowned out by the sonorous melody of the cellos, as well as the light and long tunes of the combined clarinets and the flutes. The eloquent mix of music travelled throughout the palace into the lustrous garden, white rose bushes lining the edges of the small lotus filled ponds.

  Amidst all the beauty stood one who's beauty seemed to be ignored by most as he silently stood at the balcony, staring at the moon. A short blonde with a half mask. If one looked close enough, they'd notice the bandages peaking out beneath the mask, the way the boy's hair sparkled like stars in the moonlight, and the golden glimmer hiding behind the right side of the mask.

  The beauty sighed as the music in the ballroom died down, meaning the first dance of the night had just concluded and now came the period where the ladies and gentleman of the ball were to mingle and chat. The gentleman had to as well look for another woman to escort for the next dance. Our dear beauty did not rejoin the party once more to mingle nor dance. A rule of the ballroom being, "A man who knows how to dance, and refuses to do so, should absent himself from a ball," which is exactly what our beauty was doing.

  Although aware of the punishment he'd have to endure after the ball for not escorting a woman, he could have cared less. He found balls to be rather time consuming and tedious. Not to mention the unfortunate fact that he was much too short to stand as a gentleman, not with all women wearing heels. The beauty sighed, hearing the music begin to start up once more, now starting with a piano and once more the strings joining in after. At the very least, he could enjoy the music on such occasions..

  The door of the balcony slowly creaked open as a taller redheaded man walked through. He had quite the humorous hat and a rather worn tailcoat adorning his more built figure. His mask was strange as well, unlike the other bejeweled masks of silver and gold that were adorned with feathers and such, the redhead's was a plain porcelain white with two long ears emerging from the top, much like a rabbit. The blond beauty took a gander at him, speechless to say the least.

  The redheaded gentleman took a bow before extending his gloved hand to the blonde, "I don't believe I saw you at the banquet nor were we introduced, furthermore I know tis inappropriate for a gentleman to ask another gentleman to dance, however, it seems as if you, a marvelous beauty, don't have a partner and nor do I." His voice was smooth with a rather mischievous tone hidden within its layers, he stood straight from his bowing position, hand still extended, he continued, "So, may I have this dance, my prince?"

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