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(I'm gonna do a lot of translation, it's gonna be fun💃)

Pov Bakugo :

I slept the whole trip. When i finally arrived to Paris i took an uber to take me home. I was happy not gonna lie. I'll see the old people called my parents.

I arrived home and walked to the front door. I ringed and waited.

After a moment the old hag opened the door and looked at me, chocked


She literally jumped on me and hugged me crying

"MON BÉBÉ EST REVENUUUU!!" (My baby is back)

"M'APPELLE PAS COMME ÇA!! ET TU M'ÉTOUFFE!!" (Don't call me that, and you're you choking me)

"TA GUEULE!!" (Shut up🌚)

"NON-" (no)


I looked at my father and smiled

"T'es revenu, Je suis content" (you're back, i'm glad)

(I'm already about to loose my shit😃)

"Yep! Et lâche moi toi!!" (Let go)

"Fils ingrat!!" (ungrateful son) she hit me and we arguied for a long time.

After that i spend time with them and it was good, honestly i missed them, but no need to tell them that

After that i went to sleep in my old room

~ze next day~

I woke up because the old hag was yelling at me to go come eat breakfast.

I went down to eat with my parents, half asleep.

I heard someone ringing the doorbell. I arched an eyebrow

"Va ouvrir" (go open) my mom said

"Même pas en rêve" (not even in your dreams)



I got up and walked to the door. I swear to god i'll kill the one behind this door!!

I opened it and the person immediately hugged me

"Huh?! Shoto?!!" What the fuck is he doing here??

He hugged tightly and wouldn't let me go.

I smiled and hugged him back, i patted his back

"Why are you here?"

"So you don't leave me behind alone..."

"I said it one million times, it's just one week"

"It's a lot..."

I chuckled "you already missed me?"

"Yes...don't like sleeping without you..."

"And how did you find my adress?"

"...your phone localisation..."

"Y'all are creepy!!!"


"C'est qui?" (Who is it?) My mom came and i quickly pushed Shoto

"J'ai vu ça" (i saw that) she said, talking about the hug

"T'as rien vu!!" (You didn't see anything)

Pov Todoroki :

I looked at the women. They look alike...to much alike. I suppose that it's his mother. She doesn't look as bad as he described her?

She hit Katsuki "TU MENS A TA MÈRE?!" (You lie to your mother)

...okay she's a little bit agressive...

"ARRÊTE DE ME FRAPPER!!" (Stop hitting me)

I don't understand anything. But they sure yell both a lot

"T'ES CHIANTE!!" (You're annoying) Katsuki said

"ET TOI UNE GROSSE PUTE!!" (And you a huge bitch) she responded

"TU-" i interrupted him

"Oh i think i know what that mean...^how are you^ right...?"

They both looked at me and Bakugo put his hand on his mouth, holding his laugh. His mom hit him again

"QU'EST CE QUE TU LUI A APPRIS?!" (What did you teach him)

"RIEN PUTAIN!!" (Nothing fuck)

"I know what that mean too..."

"Katsuki Bakugo, t'es puni." (You're punished)

"J'AI 20 ANS!!" (I'm 20)

They continued yelling at each other but i could only understand the bad words (lol cuz that's what Bakugo use all the time)


This is it for this chapter!

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