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It was Friday, a blond with red eyes had just stepped off the plane. he was almost late because of his mother who was crying and begging him not to leave because she loved her lovely son who was determined to finish his studies in Los Angeles .

Move on. he took an uber to his new apartment. there he settled down. the weekend he spent it finishing his apartment. on Monday he went to his new university where he will study from now on until the end of the year.

there, he was quickly noticed, the first day he got into a fight with a certain monoma who teased him, it did not please the blond with his fiery temper. But he also met a nice guy, with weird red hair who puts ^manly^ in every sentence. His name was Kirishima Eijiro, but Bakugo didn't remember it, he wouldn't give a single shit about who he was for the moment.

After that day that seemed like a week for Bakugo, he went to his appartement and took his sketchbook. He looked at the white empty paper for a long time, searching for inspiration...that didn't come. He was upset and let go a "FUCK THIS!" Before laying on his bed.

Bakugo wanted to become a designer, a fashion designer to be precise. This is why he came to California. He's from Paris, in France

But since he came to L.A he couldn't find inspiration to draw anything, and that made him very angry. Normally he would just put some loud ass music in his ears and BOOM! A masterpiece. But this time it didn't work. Maybe he should go somewhere? Yeah...why not...but he don't know the city very well.

He growled as he got up, put on his clothes and left his appartement. He took a taxi, he asked the driver

"Old man, do you know a place where there's loud music?"
"Yeah i know a place like that, you don't seem to be from here" the driver responded
"Not your business, drive me there."
The taxi driver did as Bakugo said and went to a club...a strip club. Bakugo never went to places like these. When he entered the club he saw what he wasn't expecting...strippers lmao. His virgin self and eyes were violated.
"Oh hell no!!"

He was about to get the fuck out before stopping...^acually...the music here is pretty good.^ he tought to himself. And it's loud enough.

He sighted as he started walking to the bar. He sat down, ordered a soft drink and took out his sketchbook. He was looking around as he was trying to draw something. He then noticed the DJ and looked at him. His first tought was ^GOD DAMN THAT MAN IS HOT!!^ he continued to stare at the DJ's soul until the sexy man looked at him back for a quick second before looking at what he was doing, they made eye contact and in that moment Bakugo felt his heart missing a beat


That's it for the first chapter!

《Les Inséparables》♡  {TODOBAKU}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin