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Can we talk about Todoroki's dumptruck-

Pov Bakugo :

I returned to my apartment and saw Todoroki sitting on my couch, watching TV

"Hi..." he said.

I sat on the couch too. Is he watching peppa pig?!

"Why the fuck are you watching this?!"

"I don't know...it's funny..."

"The fuck?" I looked at the ceiling and sigted

"How was your date" he said with a tone full of reproach

I looked at him "it wasn't a date chill"

"So where did you go"

"None of your business"

He looked down. Oh fuck...i kinda feel bad now. I sat correctly and put my hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at me.

I stared at his face while he was looking at me, confused. I continued staring...bullshit...how can someone with this angel face be like that scum bag. He looks so innocent you can't even hurt him...that fucking douche bag, what an ass, how can someone even hurt there own child?!

"Bakugo...i'm sorry..."


"You look like you're about to kill me...i didn't want to make you angry..."

"Huh?! No no no no no!! That's not it!! And uhm...i don't really want to tell you who i was with"

"It's okay...as long as it's not a date..."

I smiled a little "it's not a date" i let go of his cheeks "okay now chance the fucking channel"


"What do you mean no?! I'm not watching this shit!!"

"It's not shit"




"No way"

"Fucking asshole!!" I jumped on him to take the remote but he was moving it away




"I don't care"

"I SWEAR TO GOD-" i tried to take the remote but we both feel from the couch

"Ow...my back..." Todoroki said.

I lifted my head and looked at him, i was on top on him and i blushed

"It's your fault!!"

He raised his arm, with the remote in hand, above his head
"You're still not changing the channel"

He put his hand on the back of my waist and i shivered, feeling butterflies in my stomach. I blushed really hard

"Are you okay...?" He asked, concerned

"SHUT UP!! DON'T LOOK!!" I put my hand on his face.

He licked my hand "Ew!!" I took it off quickly.

He started laughing. I looked at him, kinda shocked, it's not everyday that you see him laugh. I then smiled, blushing slightly


"Yeah it's me"

"Shut up" i pinched his cheek

"Ow" i chuckled and let go

He looked at me "you're beautiful..."

I blushed "of course i am!!"

He smiled "yeah..."

After that...we watched peppa pig 0_0


That's it for this chapter!

《Les Inséparables》♡  {TODOBAKU}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ