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Zayns POV

“Niall I need you to eat more for us.” Liam said holding out a fork that had noodles wrapped around it.

“I can’t.” Niall said pushing the fork away.

“Why not?” Liam asked.

“My stomach hurts a lot.” Niall said bending over in his seat to help him cease his pain.

“Why didn’t you tell us earlier?” I asked rubbing Niall’s shoulder to help him numb the pain.

“I was too tired and I just wanted to sleep.” he said rubbing his temples.

“I’m sorry Ni, we never knew. Wanna lie down some more?” I said laying him down over my lap as he said yes.

As he went on my lap, I felt his warm skin through my jeans and realised that his fever was rising. I should have told the lads, but Niall was just so out of it right now and I didn’t want to bother him anymore so I didn’t say anything and I let him sleep some more.

I noticed that as Niall also fell asleep, all the other lads decided to get some shut eye too so I took on the responsibility of taking care of Niall while the others got some rest. It had been 3 hous into the plane ride and that’s when Niall had just confessed about his stomach hurting. We all knew from now on it would be a long ride because Niall would most likely get sick not just once, but a couple of times.

I thought everything was going good for now, all the lads sleeping and the entire plane was quiet but the roaring engines working their way through the air. I was actually feeling calm and collected. I was currently drawing an action figure that I had thought of from a Marvel comic, but I had to put that on hold because after about 10 minutes of Niall sleeping, or at least what I thought he was doing, he woke up and tapped me frantically like something was wrong.

“Zayn? Zayn…” Niall said sitting up.

“Yeah, Niall are you ok?” I asked seeing him beginning to shake.

“I don’t feel good.” he said leaning into me suddenly. He started to wince for a bit. And to be honest, the sight was sad seeing Niall feeling so bad that he could almost end up in tears. He could barely even move to lean on to me because of how much pain he seemed to be in by something. I just didn’t know what it was.

“What’s wrong? Is it your stomach?” I asked looking in to his eyes trying to look and notice anything wrong with him.

“I feel dizzy and I’m gonna be sick.” he said putting his head into my side.

“Ok just calm down, let’s get you to the bathroom.” I said helping him up quickly. I was still gentle, but I basically carried him myself to the bathroom and luckily he made it just in time.

Before I knew it he was coughing harshly and what came up was pure noodles and soup. He definitely was feeling sick while he ate, and we did force him to eat more which must have been hard for him. I kneeled down beside him rubbing his back while he brought up whatever he ate in the last few minutes to make himself feel better.

“Got sick didn’t he?” Liam asked kneeling beside me and Niall. It seemed that Niall’s retching had been heard throughout the entire plane. But you couldn’t blame him, he must’ve felt like crap and he couldn’t do anything about it.

“Yeah. He said he was feeling dizzy before he got sick.” I said getting some water to help Niall rnse the horrible taste out of his mouth.

“He’s running a fever, that’s why.” Liam said looking at Niall worriedly while he continued to rub his back. “The plane doesn’t help him either.”

Niall Stomach SicknessWhere stories live. Discover now