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Harrys POV

I woke up this morning by my own alarm, and it was as quiet as ever. That was pretty good. Just the way I liked it. I knew this was going to be a good morning, or at least that's what I had hoped. As I am usually the first person who is up, I first wake up Liam which helps wakes up Louis and Niall and then we all pitch in to do Zayn because he is definitely the biggest task out of all of us.

So I started to wake everyone up. It seemed that Liam was a step ahead of me though, when I opened his room door he was about to actually walk out and wake me up.

"Oh hey Harry. Just comin to wake you up." he said smiling. Liam was always such a morning person.

"Same actually. Ready to wake up the rest?" I asked like we were on a mission.

"Yup. I'll do Louis, then i'll get started on Zayn. You'll finish him off for me."

"Sure. Let's do this." I said.

First I went to Nialls room, then I didn't see him anywhere. He was probably using the washroom or something so I just decided to look for him later. I went to Zayns room walking as loudly as I could, bumping into walls and kicking doors just to hopefully let him know I was coming on my way and that he should be prepared for the grief of waking up.

When I got into Zayns room, he wasn't even awake one bit. I gently tiptoed into his room and decided that I would scare him awake for some self-entertainment. I crawled up on the bed, gently moved close to him by pulling his sheets towards me and I breathed all over him with my morning breath.

I know, quite disgusting but I mean it wasn't the worst thing I could have done. Within seconds Zayn's heavy eyelids fluttered open and he was swishing away the air in front of him trying to replace it with clean nice air.

"What.." he slurred quietly as he was still tired and out of it. He didn't even see me right beside him.

"Morning!" I shouted shaking him under his covers.

"Haz stop it!" he said pushing me off of him.

"Fine, i'll be back in five crankypants." I said walking to Nialls room again. I looked in again, but he still wasn't there. I wondered where he could be, this house was only so small. Then all of a sudden I felt a hand on my back. At first I guessed it was Niall, but it wasn't. It was Liam standing behind me with Louis beside him.

"Morning Lou." I said.

"Morning. Know where Niall's at?" he said looking into the room.

"Nope. Havent seen him all morning." I said.

"That's weird." Louis said.

"He was acting all weird last night though, maybe something wrong with him?" Liam said.

"I'll check on him. You two try to awake Zayn." I said going to the living room.

When I reached that's where I finally saw Niall just there lying down on the couch. And he wasn't just lying there normally, he looked sick. His skin was more pale than usual and he had his hands right over his eyes I guess to help him block the light. You could also see him with some type of pill right beside him.

"Niall? Niall!" I said running to him on the couch.

"What?" he asked turning away from me.

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" I asked trying to help him out as much as possible. I decided to get him from his current position which was lying down to sitting up so he could be able to talk properly.

"I'm fine." he said rubbing his temples.

No he wasn't. He obviously wasn't. We all knew when something was wrong with Niall, and this had to be one of the times where something was wrong. He was making short answers to things, like what he always does when he doesn't want to talk to people. We both knew that he was going to fess up soon, I just had to wait.

Niall Stomach SicknessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ