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Liam's POV

So this morning I got up for about probably the 30th time. But that was only because I had to keep fixing the air condition in our hotel. For some reason, every time that I slept, the air seemed to get a lot hotter and that was a confusion to me.

We were all in here literally burning probably due to somebody else touching that air condition. I finally decided that I wasn't going to be having this anymore, I needed to know who was doing this. I wouldn't be surprised if it were a prank, but it was literally about 3:10 in the morning in the UK. The reason why we were in the UK was because we just finished our world tour and now we were going back on the road again.

It even felt special saying it because that was the actual name of our tour. Our first stop was in Australia, Sydney. We all couldn't wait to make it there. Though we were going on separate planes. Louis and Harry in a plane, then me alone, then Niall and Zayn last. Now aside from all my joy from On The Road Again, I had to find out who was turning up the air condition.

I walked around the house looking through all of the other lads roms like a little creeper. I finally walked past more rooms and then I came by something very interesting.

Niall was sat down on his bed looking into bare space like he just saw a ghost. I wondered what was going through his mind. Most of us always guessed food, but I was thinking of something else. Niall was always hungry, but he just looked disappointed for some reason sitting on his bed like this.

His eyes were as dull as ever and he almost had something like a bit of a pout on his face which was quite surprising. Niall’s always the uplifter of our group so it was pretty weird seeing him like that. I was going to go ask him what was up, but I didn’t want to interrupt him because as a bunch of thoughts came running through my mind he just curled up under his covers and turned off his lamp light which only showed some blonde streaks of his hair above the covers.

I really should’ve asked him if he was ok, but  I can admit I was getting pretty worried about things recently because of all of the stress of tours and deadlines. A constant busy schedule doesn’t help with anything. I was lucky I had the lads with me to keep things fresh and fun. Without them I don’t know what the hell i’d do. We needed each other and that was a fact.

Who knew? Maybe Niall was just feeling a bit of a mood swing because he got nervous for a bit. It was usual for us to have these moments anyways. We were about to go on a worldwide tour.

But I just couldn’t help it. He started tossing and turning in his bed and then his lamp came on again. As I observed him for another couple of seconds he started to sit up again sitting on the side of his bed and he looked down on his feet that were dangling from the bed to the floor. Now something was definitely wrong, I just had to find out what it was.

“Hey Ni.” I said opening his door slightly.

“Hey. What’s up?” he asked still looking at his feet.

“Well I think theres a ghost. The air conditioner seems to be acting up.” I said earning a small smile from Niall.

After that he didn’t say anything back. Just looked at me with his blue eyes with a tiny smile that was fading second by second and before I knew it he was looking at his feet again. Something had to be wrong.

“Ni..” I said sitting down beside him putting my arm over his shoulder while I brang him into my side carefully.

“Mhm?” he said looking at me for a couple of seconds.

“You alright?” I asked. He just looked away for a second before looking back at me with a face that seemed to look even more sad.

“Yeah.” he said. I knew he wasn’t fine, I felt him shivering under my arm. That’s probably why the heater kept on getting turnt up. Maybe he wasn’t feeling too good. But I mean he was fine when he woke up this morning so I didn’t really know what happened to him.

“You sure? You’re shivering.” I said feeling his arm for goosebumps.

“Ok fine i’m freezing, no need to be all touchy Li.” he said slapping my hand off of him playfully. Now Niall was somewhat back from whatever dead he was living in before.

“There you are. You worried me for a sec.” I said hugging him lightly.

“Well thanks for the concern, but we need to be in bed. Flight’s tomorrow!” he said crawling back into his covers.

“You’re right, I gotta go get some sleep myself too.” I said getting off of his bed to get into my own.

“You sure you’re ok though?” I asked one last time. I didn’t want Niall to be feeling down or anything, I just hoped he knew that if he had a problem he could tell us about it. After all that’s why were here for eachother.

“Yeah i’m good. Now get in bed or ill throw a spoon in your face!” he said laughing a bit at the end. I had to admit, I laughed myself.

“Ok night then Niall.” I said closing his room door.

Maybe he was just overthinking things a bit too much. He was right though, I had to hurry up and get to bed or else only the heavens knew how the hell i’d wake up the next day to get on the flight to Australia. With that I finally got to bed at peace, not having to return any air conditions on again, getting ready to go full on tour mode the next day.

Third Person’s POV

After a bit of time, every lad was asleep in their proper single bedrooms resting up for the next day. Everyone was excited to finally be going back on tour soon; they couldn’t wait to see their fans!

But a tiny problem arose, Niall just wasn’t feeling up to it. He didn’t know what was going on with him, but as the night went by he began to feel a bit cold and feverish. Niall thought that it was probably only just his nerves messing with him but he began to feel a bit worse at night. Niall tried to hide it at night but it was just getting worse and worse. Even his bandmate Liam noticed.

Liam however was still worried about Niall. Niall still didn’t seem to feel better even hours later of sleep. He was in fact, feeling worse. But he didn’t tell any of the lads. He didn’t want them to worry about him. And worst of all, he would probably get held back from his flight to Australia.

That’s the one thing Niall didn’t want because he just wanted to at least be with the rest of the lads if he wasn’t feeling that good. However Niall still had faith that it was still his nerves even though he was feeling worse and worse.

He made sense that the more his nerves affected him, the worse he would feel. But truth was that the more he ignored it was the more worse he’d feel.

Authors Note:

Hey, so I'm back to writing some more requests again and I'm really glad because the break was nice, but I just was glad to get more requests c: I have one more requested book to do after I finish this books parts. Hope you guys like both of them <3 And sorry if this chapter was short!

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