"I am afraid to go to pre-school" Bomin said.

"Then, let's go to the same pre-school with your friend, okay?" Sungyoon said.

"Really? Can I do that?" Bomin asked.

"Sure! You want to be in a same pre-school with who?" Joochan asked Bomin as he knew some of Bomin's friends.

"I wanna go in a same school with... Haeun.." Bomin said while smiling. Everyone was shocked. Really this boy? Haeun was very familiar to this family because she was Daeyeol's daughter!

"You like Haeun that much, Choi Bomin?" Sungyoon pinched Bomin's cheek. Bomin put his face on Sungyoon's chest shyly.

"Haeun is... pretty.." Bomin said. Everyone laughed.

* * *

On the next day, everyone was going on Bomin's graduation day. Bomin wore a yellow-colour clothes. It was a coincidence because his theme was same with Haeun. Both were wearing yellow. They were going to the class for preparation.

"Hi Haeun..." Bomin greeted Haeun.

"Hello, Bomin!" Haeun as usual, greeting everyone enthusiastically.

"Eh? We both are wearing yellow!" Haeun said. Bomin smiled and nodded his head.

"Let's go!" Haeun said. She held Bomin's hand and brought Bomin into the classroom.

* * *

They were waiting for their turn at backstage. Sadly, Bomin had to sit a bit far from Haeun. Sungyoon went to backstage as parents can go to backstage to look for their children for a few minutes. Sungyoon saw Bomin.

"Bomin..." Sungyoon called for Bomin. Bomin looked at Sungyoon. Sungyoon suddenly took a picture of Bomin using his dslr camera but it took out flash. Bomin laughed at it. Unfortunately, in the picture, Bomin's face was unready. Sungyoon laughed at his son's picture. It would be Bomin's first graduation ever.

*   *   *

The graduation started. The graduation was filled with so much joy. Bomin got an award for having a good behaviour at school. Same like Haeun. Daeyeol and Sungyoon both were busy taking their children's photos.

Then, it was the time for good academic award. Bomin got the 2nd place while Haeun got the 1st place. Sungyoon smiled happily to see Bomin got the award. Even though Bomin didn't get the 1st place like Joochan always did, but he was still proud of Bomin. His sons were really incredible at academic. He was hoping that his sons were good at many aspects too. More and more times passed, Joochan showed his interest at athletics. That made Sungyoon proud of him because he was an athlete too during school days but, since the first time Bomin got to walk by his own, Bomin showed his interest in football. He loved balls. Sungyoon was hoping too if Bomin could persue his interest in football. He would teach him one day.

The graduation day had come to an end with the singing and dancing performances by the students. It was the last performance as the closing ceremony. The audiences were cheering enthusiastically for the students. They were so cute!

The kindergarten students sang a kid song to show their loves towards their parents. The kids went down the stage and give a flower that they brought to one of their parents. Bomin went down the stage and gave it to Haru. Bomin was well-known as "mama's boy" because he took after Haru a lot. He was pampered to Haru the most too. Sungyoon captured the moment. Haru directly hugged and kissed Bomin. Then, they went back on the stage.

The performance ended very well and the kids were lining up in a line.

"Now, it's time for the class monitor to give a speech" the emcee said. Bomin went in front a bit from his friend. The emcee gave the microphone to Bomin. Bomin held it with the help of his class teacher.

"Hello. Good afternoon. My name is Choi Bomin. I am the class monitor. I wanna say, thank you for coming to today. Thank you to my friends who have being so good to me. Thank you to the teachers who teach us. Without you, teachers, we won't be clever. We won't be even know how to read. Thank you to my omma who had carried me in her belly and gave birth to me. Without you, I won't be able to live in this world. Thank you to my appa for always working hard on me. Without you, I won't be live well like this. Thank you to my hyung for loving me. Without you, I won't have motivation to be great like you. Thank you to all parents too. Without you, we won't be here. We love you!" Bomin said while making a heart symbol with his both hands. Then, his friends followed him while saying "I love you!". The parents cheered and clapped for them. Even though actually Bomin was just memorised the script given by his teacher but he had a strong memory. The Choi Family were smiling. Really wide.

-To Be Continued-

A/N :
Happy 1st Anniversary of FANTASIA!
It's not an April fool content, yet I hate April fool huhu (cuz I am everyday had been fooled!🤣). However, I would like to thank all of you for your endless support. Without you, FANTASIA would never achieve this achievement😍 thank you so much for always waiting for itㅠㅠ

I'm sorry because I couldn't update much because I am really busy. Certainly, please pray for me to get good results for exam huhu.
I have a chemistry practical test tomorrow, and 2nd math exam for this semester. Wish me luck with flying colours!

Thank you so much for your support!
Thank you for your overwhelming wishes in the previous chapter!
Your prayers meant a lot to me♥️
Love you to infinity and beyond!😍

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