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new area

The war ended.

Harry James Potter, talented young wizard, student at Hogwarts, house of Gryffindor, defeated Lord Voldemort. In the historic battle of Hogwarts, where creatures of good and evil fought against each other, only one could make a difference. And he did. Harry Potter saved the magic world.

Now, what would happen?

The Ministry of Magic answered that question soon enough. One month after the Dark Lord was killed, Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt made an announcement. All children between the age of 11 years old to 17 were obligated to go back to school at the beginning of the next school year.

A vote had been take across the country. A gigantic majority had agreed to minor wizards being forced back to school. Not that anyone really complained. Everyone wanted to go back to normal, if the lost of family members and close friends would allow them.

Remained the question of the witches and wizards over the age of 17. The government could not and would not force them to go back to their studies for their last year. It was however highly recommend and honestly, most of the young adults wanted, if possible, to have back the year war had stolen from them.

That's why, at the end of summer, Diagon Alley was packed. An atmosphere like before, laughs and joyful exclamations filling the air. Young kids were accompanied by their parents and older siblings, all genuinely happy to be back, shopping carelessly. They was no danger anymore.

The only things proving that the second wizarding war did happen was the few shops closed, pieces of wood still blocking the windows. These buildings were ignored, memories of the horrible events that took place on those streets, and people shivered walking pass them. And on windows were glued pictures of Death Eaters still on the run, the words WANTED and a reward announced under it.

A few days later, the Hogwart Express left platform 9 3/4. Parents were crying on the station. Their children, in the multiple compartments, had already forgot about them, too exited to finally be on the famous train. They would remember them only at night, in their dormitories.

Dormitories that had to be attributed.

Thing is, people changed during the war. Mostly young students. You can't live through what they did without changing at least a bit. Torture, murders, manipulation, destruction. Those things would shock everyone to their chore. And when things like that happened, everything you ever believed in gets teared down. Your values changed.

Houses at Hogwarts were attributed according to one's values. Gryffindor had courage, bravery, nerve, and chivalry. Hufflepuff valued hard work, patience, justice and loyalty. Ravenclaw; intelligence, learning, wisdom and wit. And finally Slytherin valued ambition, cunningness, leadership, and resourcefulness.

Values had changed and so, Houses had to change. Students at Hogwarts were going to be resorted.

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