Kageyamas mistake

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I'm so sorry for not posting I got really sick and could barely even do school!

~3rd pov~

Hinata walked home after the sleepover to find his father already home with some guests so he was safe for now, the guests were from work so Hinata went right to his room and hopped in the ongoing call with Kenma and Kuroo who were playing games "Chibi chan you alright?" Kuroo asked the ginger boy who kept glancing at his door nervously, Hinata looked to the phone and nodded "yeah I'm fine just waiting for the pizza my dad ordered!" He felt bad for lying but he had to because if he didnt let's just say no one would ever find his body at least that's what his dad always threatened.

The night went on and eventually Hinata had to go to bed and he woke up around 4am to avoid his dad and to his luck he succeeded in doing so being the first to the gym for the camp that was announced before the sleepover, he was the first there making sure to have everything including his razors and bandages. "Oh Hinata you're here early." Said a voice behind him it was Suga. "Yeah I do live over a mountain!" Hinata said with a bright but fake smile, it was not exactly a lie so he didnt feel too guilty.

More teammates arrived and got ready to leave and waited for the coach and teacher and when they got there, they got into the bus. Hinata next to Kageyama as normal, he didnt mind it as they usually just talked about Volleyball or slept on the way especially this early in the morning. It took the bus a few hours to get to the place where the camp was taking place but they got there fine and was greeted by Nekoma, Feurtdoni (feel free to correct my spelling), Shiritorizawa, Aoba Josei, Date Tech, and Izarizaki as they went in.

Nekoma and other members of teams noticed Hinata didnt seem his usual cheery self so they decided to ask Karasuno "hey what's up with Chibi? He seems down." Oikawa said to the other captains who agreed and looked to Daichi to see if he knew "hes probably just tried afterall he is always the first to arrive. Plus he had a bad breakup recently." Daichi said secretly worried for the little ginger boy so he made a mental note to check on him later. "Ah yeah I forgot about that." Kuroo said as they watching their teams retreating backs to go into the school, "who was he dating again?" Kita asked and Oikawa answered "the tall blonde named Tsukishima." He said and Ushijima was interested "why'd they break up?" He asked Daichi who reluctantly answered "Tsukishima cheated on him-" he was quickly interrupted by Kuroo and Oikawa "who." They said in sync "not my place to tell." Daichi said walking away.

~Hinatas pov~

⚠️S*lf harm⚠️

I slipped away from Lev and Kenma into the bathroom and I locked the door and as soon as I did thoughts overflowed my brain. Thoughts about my dad and what hes doing, how badly I want to just... end it afterall all I had left ditched me for my bestfriend... I took out my blade and gently pressed it to my leg remembering the words my father screamed at me. "ITS ALL YOUR DAMN FAULT! IF YOU WEREN'T SO USELESS THEY WOULD STILL BE HERE!" That was the last nonviolent thing he said to me when others weren't around at first I had thought he was just grieving but then the alcohol happened. I dragged the blade across my leg watching the blood slowly come from the thin line forming on my leg, I repeated this a little faster until I had 4 to 5 cuts on each upper thigh. Then I heard a knock on the door, "Hinata? You in there?" It was Yamaguchi and practice was starting. I quickly hid any evidence of what I did and cleaned up and covered my body with concealer and makeup then exited the bathroom.

⚠️End of Trigger⚠️

Yamaguchi and I walked out to practice and I didnt say anything on the way it was still pretty early around 8AM. Karasunos games went as normal we lost a few and we won a few, I couldn't shake my thoughts and missed a bit so Kageyama kept getting angry at me and this time was my 6th time messing up and he grabbed my collar roughly I flinched which caused me to go into my defenseive mode and I just limped in his grasp slightly.

"STOP FUCKING IT UP!" He shouted shaking me as Daichi and Asahi tried to get him off me, "NO IF HE CANT GET THE ONE THING HES GOOD AT RIGHT HES NO USE TO OUR TEAM!" Kageyamas words stung badly I already knew it was true but did he really have to say it out loud. He seemed to realize what he said because he immediately let me go and tried to apologize but I ran off and out of their sight and calls.

I ran back into the bathroom and I repeated what I had done before this time across my chest, and stomach so it was less noticeable and after I went into the Karasunos room and hid there and cried.

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