As we walked in the hall, Gandalf and Legolas in front and Aragorn, Gimli, and I behind them, I looked at our surroundings. More guards appeared, following us on both sides, and I couldn't help but feel a bit worried. They outnumbered us, at least four to one, and they were armed and we were not. One guard in particular caught my eye because of what I sensed from him: lust. Moving to stand beside Legolas, he sent me a look asking if I was alright. Sending him a telepathic message that I was now, he sent me a soft smile.

Besides the guards in the room, the overall atmosphere was heavy with many emotions. Fear, trepidation, nervousness, and everyone just seemed on edge. As the doors closed behind us, Gandalf spoke.

"The courtesy of your hall has somewhat lessened of late, Théoden King."

I noticed a man by the king, whispering to him. He had greasy black hair, a pale complexion leaving me to believe he had never seen the sun, and the air about him was unsettling. I knew this had to be Grima Wormtongue. 

"Why should I welcome you, Gandalf Stormcrow?" the king asked, his voice sounding incredibly weak. That was to be expected though, because he did indeed look very weak. He had thin, gray hair, his face was wrinkled, and he was slouched down on his throne. The weird feeling I got looking at him, plus a slight headache, led me to believe these were the effects of some kind of magic.

"A just question, my liege. Late is the hour in which this conjuror chooses to appear. Lots spell I name him, ill news is an ill guest," Grima spoke, turning to face us. He sounded as pathetic and disgusting as he looked.

"Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crude words with a witless worm!" Gandalf demanded, and if you weren't the one Gandalf was yelling at, he was almost a bit entertaining. Grima then seemed to notice Gandalf still possessed his staff, and he made known his annoyance and obvious fear.

"His staff! I told you to take the wizard's staff!" As Grima started walking away from the king, soldiers started coming towards us. Getting in a defensive position, we each prepared for a fight that was sure to ensue.

Two soldiers came at me, one on each side. As they went to punch me, I ducked underneath them so they would punch each other. Delivering another hit for good measure, I knocked them out cold. Another soldier came towards me, stockier than the last two. We were evenly matched in skill, though I had the advantage. Because he was larger than me, I had speed on my side. Swiftly kicking his legs out from under him as I ducked a blow to the head, I delivered another kick to his stomach.

Gandalf walked forward as if he was the only one in the room, talking to Théoden, saying, "Théoden son of Thengel. Too long have you sat in the shadows."

As he was saying this, one last soldier came at me, slamming me against a pillar. He had his hands around my neck, quickly cutting off my air supply. Steadying my breathing, I looked down, then to my right to breathe easier. Raising my arms up underneath his to knock them off my shoulders, I placed my hands on his instead. Kicking him where the sun doesn't shine, I left him on the ground in agony. Walking over by Legolas, we watched the scene unfold.

"Harken to me," Gandalf continued, lifting up his hand. "I release you from this spell."

Théoden started laughing maniacally, saying, "You have no power here Gandalf the Grey." However, as he was still laughing, Gandalf shed his cloak, revealing the brilliant white robes underneath. Théoden let out a gasp like yell.

"I will draw you, Saruman, as poison is drawn from a wound," Gandalf said as Théoden hit the throne behind him. Gandalf walked closer, his staff pointed towards the king. The woman I saw from before rushed into the room, but before she could get to Théoden, Aragorn held her back. I didn't miss the immediate emotional reaction from her, and I knew what would ensue. Deciding not to worry about that now, I listened as Théoden, or rather Saruman, spoke again.

Song of my Heart: A Legolas Fanfic **ongoing**Where stories live. Discover now