Then I began falling.

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Prologue- Then I began falling.

Dianna Agron to the side as Casey Fergus!

She is so gorgeous like what the heck!?


All that I can't forget, is this familiar face. The two of us are in some backward, on the edge on a farm field.

Are we even supposed to be here? Wait we? There is no we, no there shouldn't be. Leaves crack before me, and I dare to look up. A girl probably about 6 years old, is scanning my face.

I cant help but wonder, why worry has taken her whole facial-features over. Her bright water-filled deep teal eyes, and the way her mouth quivered told me everything.

She leaned over, and whispered a soft something to me. All I could break apart from it, was "go". No, I can't; and I won't. Not without finding out how, and who the hell she was.

I understood I knew this girl from somewhere, but my mind couldn't seem to grasp the edges of the memory and hold on. It's lost, the beautiful brightness of her is gone. My mind tries so hard to focus on her small features for one last time.

Hair! Her locks are the tint of blonde, and curly at the tips. And with that, I'm left in an empty room, and all that I can put together, is that she was only a part of a dream. At that moment, everything went dead silent, and that's when I began falling.

I shot forward, my nails digging into my thighs, hyperventilating nonstop. Cold sweats were rolling down my face, and back. I couldn't remember anything from my sleep, besides the little girl I was playing dolls with.

She was beauty, wrapped and made in human form. Her eyes were the perfect color of the ocean, and her hair reminded me of the sun. The tiny pink and purple cap fit her head well. Every single being could say the same statement.

No one, not even one person could relate to how spectacular she has been. I understood she was a part of a dream only, but why did I feel deja-vu?

As if Grace Paige was standing there to rescue me, as it seemed. Why else would a little girl tell me to go? To run. As if everything in my sleep pieced together, the occurrences seemed almost surreal.

I leaned up, and glanced forward. Shock grasped my whole body. Right in front of my sight, a purple and pink checkered hat hung from my doorknob.

What the?!

Maybe for once my whole world would make sense. This had to mean something. Apparently I was supposed to be shaking, but that wasn't possible. Every horror movie seemed to have a main character freaked out, because this must be a sign. I'm different though, I got a kick out of this.

It's strange really, I can recall seeing little Grace with the cute hat on in this very room. It seemed as if she hung it there, but sadly that wasn't anything close to possible.

I was not shocked, I was not worried. I was anything, but those two. We might actually have a chance, a huge chance. The whole town has a clue. This hat will lead us to my 6 year old neighbor, and the kidnapper to justice.


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