[002]: Russian Roulette?!

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Later towards the night, you were in your room, writing in your diary about the events of what had happened today.

"Kokichi Ouma stole my diary for a bit... How much did he actually read of it..?" You spoke as you wrote in down, pausing for a moment to think to yourself. You sighed, yeeting the diary to the wall, which it bounced off and fell into a container you had on the ground.

There was a sudden knock at your door, which made you jump up from the bed in surprise. You kicked the container to under your bed so your diary wasn't in plain sight.

You then headed over to the door, and opened first, not bothering to check who it was first because you're just lazy like that.

You were surprised to meet eyes with a certain purple haired male. "Kokichi?! What are you doing here?!" You asked, still pissed about him taking your diary, however he did that last time.

He chuckled and smiled, as if he never did a single thing wrong in his life. "Don't be like that Y/N~Chan! I just wanted to apologize." He said, which you didn't trust that statement.

"First off, if you want to apologize, stop with the "Y/N~Chan" crap. Just call me Y/N. And you don't do the "~Chan" nickname with anyone else. So how come..?"

He just laughed a bit as he rolled his eyes. "Silly Y/N, I didn't come here to be interrogated by you."

"Well you kind of deserve it for being an asshole." You said, not really in the mood to deal with him.

You blinked for a second and he was gone?

"What the—?" You turned around to see him sitting on your bed with the diary, again.

You snatched it away from him quickly before he could read it again. "Stop being so nosy you little brat!" You scolded him as you put it up somewhere else.

"Come on Y/N~Chan-"

Not wanting to hear him to speak, you tried to talk over him. "No. Shut the fuck up."

"-don't be like that. Neehehehe." His cheerful smile slowly disappeared from his face and he seemed to look more serious.

"How annoying, and I thought our conversation was going somewhere..." He sighed deeply as he glared at you. "But turns out you're just a buzzkill ruining all the fun."

You were confused and creeped out by his sudden change in mood. "Kokichi, what's wro—"

He then changed back to his cheerfulness as if nothing happened. "Nehehehe... Nothing's wrong Y/N~Chan! Can't I just hang out with a friend...?"

You were confused by his behavior. Was he normally like that? Probably. You considered him to be a liar who just does anything for his personal game or whatever was "interesting" to him.

"Can you just get out of my room...?" You asked, signing deeply.

He shook his head as he suddenly tugged on your arm and pulled you onto your bed with him. "Come on Y/NNNN!!!! Don't you want to spend more time togetherrr? How about we play a game?"

A smirk appeared on his face, as he had a cheerful expression, one that could fool you into believing he was innocent if you were meeting him for the first time, or if you were gullible.

"What do you want..?" You asked the short male right next to you as you looked at him. You just wanted to know what he wanted to play so that he would go away.

"How about we play Russian Roulette?" He asked as if it were something any person would play, like Uno.

Your eyes widened as you scooted away from him. "W-What?! Are you crazy?! I know I'm trying to die but I'd rather have a meaning behind my death. Not by some suicidal game."

"Aren't we in a killing game...?" He asked you, which caused you to sigh in realization. You had forgotten all about that.

"Fair enough..." You mumbled.

As soon as he heard those words, he pulled out a gun from his pocket and your eyes widened once more.

"How long have you been carrying it around?! And more importantly, where did you get it?"

"It's a secret, Y/N~Chan. It wouldn't be much fun if I told you anything." He said, chuckling a bit.

You shook your head in annoyance. 'How do people deal with him anyway?' You thought to yourself.

"How many bullets do you want to do?"

"Guess I have no choice... One then." You said, a bit nervous to play the game.

He reached into his pocket for a bullet, then putting it into the barrel and aiming it at his head.

"Kokichi, wait—!"

A click was heard, signaling that he pulled the trigger.

"Nothing happened. See...?" He said, chuckling a bit. "You're gettting too worked up by this Y/N~Chan. It's your turn."

Then he handed the gun to you, which you grabbed hesitantly. Your hands were shaking too much and you were extremely nervous.

Kokichi seemed to notice this and just laughed, putting his hands onto yours when you were holding the gun. "You know, if you die, I'll kill you. Got it?" He said, which sounded threatening.

Suddenly, you were a bit more scared of him killing you then you were of the game.

"Yeah right." You rolled your eyes as he removed his hands away. You then aimed the gun to your head, and you could hear how loud your heartbeat sounded. You could hear it increasingly beat.

Your hands were still shaking a bit. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, pulling the trigger to expect death. You weren't sure if you were dead or alive until you heard Kokichi speaking.

"Y/N~Chan, were you really that scared? Nehehehe... So cute." He teased you, which caused your face to heat up in embarrassment.

You opened your eyes angrily and shoved him off the bed. "Sh-Shut up! No one asked you!!"

He got up and dusted off his clothes. "Owch! That really hurrrt!" He said, with a pouting-like face. You didn't really believe he cared too much, though the emotion he was displaying showed pain. You weren't sure if he was faking it or not.

Before you could respond, Kokichi spoke up again. "Well, I should get going. Let's play again like that some other time. Got it?"

He smiled at you, and you felt like it was a genuine one. You swore that you were seeing things, because there was no way he just winked at you after he smiled.

Before you could give him a proper response, the purple-haired male had left the room.

"See you later... Kokichi..." You said, even though he was probably long gone after you said that.

You then fell back onto the bed and passed out before the Nighttime announcement had a chance to play.

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