[001]: Stolen Diary

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"Kokichi fUCKING OUMA!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, carrying a lemon in your hand. The small person, but not much smaller than you, had screeched and ran behind Kirumi.

"Momma help meeee!!" He whined, hiding behind her and fake crying.

"Kokichi, I am not your mother. Please do not call me tha—"

Before she could say anything more, you stormed into the kitchen after him. "Kirumi, would you be a dear and go find my glove? I think I lost it."

You sent a forced smile her way, to stop yourself beating Kokichi to a pulp in front of her.

She nodded and bowed. "Would you like one from your room..?" She asked.

You shook your head. "Nope. It's in my research lab I believe. But I can't find it."

Kokichi grabbed onto the back of Kirumi's apron, not wanting her to leave. He knew he'd be left alone with you if she left.

"As the Ultimate Maid, it is my duty to carry any order given to me. I'll be back with your glove, Y/N." She said, gently pushing Kokichi away before leaving.

"Nehehehe. What brings you here, Y/N?" He asked, putting a smile on his face as if he had not a care in the world. He moved his hands to the back of his head, leaning back a bit.

You hated how smug the 5'1" teen looked. "Kokichi, you know DAMn weLL whY I'M HERE!!"

"Careful Y/N~Chan, you might end up killing me." He said as he looked over at you, with a smirk on his face, which pissed you off even more.

"At this point, I don't care. Hand over my fucking—"

"—diary. Yes, I know Y/N~Chan." Kokichi finished for you, pulling the diary out from his scarf, and pulled out something you recognized, your eyes widening.

"Don't you fucking dare picklock—" You heard a click come from the lock. "—it..."

You tried to grab it from him, but he moved out the way in time, and sped off with it. You tried to follow, but as soon as you left the room, he was out of sight.

"Damn it! I can't let him read it!" You said out loud, and it was very visible that you were panicking.

Meanwhile, Kokichi had went to his room and locked his door, before heading to the bathroom, and locking the door in there. Should buy him some time in case if you tried to break down the door.

He then opened your diary and started to read it out loud to himself. He wasn't shocked with what he was reading, just a bit bored of it.

"Ugh... All they did was talk about the trials, the murders, and the investigations so far..." He sighed in annoyance. Why wasn't there anything interesting?

Then he saw a page labeled, "my opinion on everyone."

He immediately skipped past a few pages to where he saw his own name, and it stood out.

"My thoughts of Kokichi Ouma..." He read out loud, and soon, he heard a sound, immediately knowing his front door was busted down.

He mentally cursed to himself, and continued to read on, "My thoughts on Kokichi Ouma are... complicated to say I guess. What exactly is there to say about how I—"

Before he could finish, his bathroom door got busted down. "SHIT!" He cursed out, standing as far as he could from the door.

"Kokichi Ouma, hand that diary over!" You shouted out, stepping in the bathroom with Gonta behind you.

"Yeah! Gonta think that not gentlemen-like!"

Kokichi rolled his eyes as he walked over to you. "Aww man. This is boring~" he then placed it in your hands. "I was hoping to learn what you thought of me."

"As if I had anything to think of you as." You retorted back as you glared at the boy.

""My thoughts on Kokichi Ouma are... complicated to say I guess-"" He started to repeat what he read in the book, which made you turn red and smack him with the diary.

Gonta wasn't sure what to do, so he let the scene play out for now, or until Kokichi tried anything suspicious.

Kokichi whined, and rubbed his forehead as he stumbled back. "That was SO meaannn, Y/N~Chan..." He said, being overdramatic as always.

He then decided to leave the bathroom, but stopped right next to you to whisper in your ear, "meet me at your research lab during midnight to talk more."

He then left the bathroom, kind of shouting, "I'll be waiting Y/N~Chan!"

Gonta looked over at you, a bit confused. "Did Kokichi threaten Y/N? Gonta will never forgive him!!"

You chuckled and waved your hands nervously, trying to figure out a way to calm him down. "N-No! Not at all! Don't worry about it. But thank you..."

He smiled and waved at you. "No problem Y/N. Gonta likes helping his friend. But Gonta promised to go hang out with Miu. Miu said she needed Gonta for something."

You smiled at and nodded at Gonta. "Yeah. Go ahead Gonta. I have to go do something myself. Goodbye."

You both then left the room, heading into two different directions. You then decided to go find Kirumi to see if she found your "missing" glove yet.

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