Raditz x Daughter Reader

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You and your father was going on a mission to a planet named Earth. You never really knew that place since you never left the ship. You weren't allowed into missions yet, but now that you're seven you could accompany your father as a partner. Vegeta and Nappa never really liked the idea of you going there, but since it was what you wanted, they couldn't say no to you.

You were pretty much excited for your first mission that you were slightly jumping up and down your father's lap. "Calm down, Y/N." Your father spoke up as he chuckled at your excitement. You turned your head to him and smiled, "I can't Daddy! I'm so excited for my first mission." You exclaimed with a big smile. Raditz chuckled and shook his head, "Okay okay, I get it. But..." His face then turned serious, "...if things get dangerous, you hide in the pod, am I clear?" He asked you with a serious tone.

"But Daddy-!"

"Am I clear, Y/N?"

You looked down and pouted, "Yes Daddy." You said, almost whispering your statement. Raditz smiled softly at you, "It's for your sake, Y/N. You're my only family, I can't risk losing you." He explained as he petted yor H/L, spikey, black hair. You looked up at him, "You won't lose me, we will stay together. You won't leave me, right?" You told him. He laughed and said, "Of course, I would never leave my little princess." He said.



You smiled at him, believing that you would never lose your father. However, you didn't know that you would see a tragic event soon enough.


You watched in horror as your "uncle" and father were both hit with a beam of energy, hitting their bodies with a strong impact. Your eyes were wide, your father was attacked by a boy almost your age. Tears welled up in your eyes, you immediately rushed to his side, you could see him speaking, but you didn't give it any attention.

"D-Daddy?" You called him with a sob. The Saiyan turned to you as you knelt beside him, "Y/N..." He painfully called your name. You sniffed, "You will be alright Daddy. We will go home together, right? You promised!" You cried, tears running freely down your cheeks. Raditz slowly lifted his hand to your cheek and wiped the tears with his thump, "D-Don't cry, Y/N. Strong g-girls never cry." He choked the words.

"Daddy." Was all you said in whisper as you held his hand with both of yours and closed your eyes.

"I l-love you, Y-Y/N."

"I love you too, Daddy."

Suddenly, you felt your father's hand go limp. You opened your eyes to see his once shiny eyes closed as his chest stopped moving. "DADDY!" You yelled as you threw yourself at him, hugging his cold body. You cried your little heart out as you kept on calling him. What are you suppose to do now? Your pod was destroyed and you have no were to  go. You never really cared about the crying and yelling in the background, your blurry gaze was only on your father.

You didn't want to leave his side, no matter what.

Time Skip:-
It had been two years since you lost your father. You moved to live with the Sons since you had no where to go and you didn't want to starve to death. Vegeta was brought to Earth after the Namek incident and was now on the good side. Everyone was happy, except you. You still miss your father since he was with you most of your life. You never knew your mother, so you didn't bother to know her since your father was the one who raised you.

The people around you spoke about the Dragon Balls and wish to bring someone to life, probably their friend. However, your little mind never believed in the idea of the dead coming to life again, but a tiny voice in the back of your head was telling that there was a hope that your father would come back.

You were sitting in your room, staring out the window at the beautiful weather. In times like these, you would be enjoying your time with your dad if he was alive. A knock interrupt your peaceful thought, you sighed, "I don't want to meet anyone, so please leave." You said not turning around. You heard the door open, "I said I don't want to--" You said as you sharply turned your head, but you were shocked.

There stood in a front of you, a familiar long haired man. "D-Daddy?" You said in shock. Raditz nodded, you immediately ran to him. The Saiyan knelt down and opened his arms for you, "Daddy, you're alive!" You said, relieved. "Yes Y/N, it's thanks to uncle Kakarot." He whispered. You could've sworn that you heard him sniff. You pulled away and looked behind your father to see Goku standing there with a big goofy smile. You walked toward him and looked up, "Thank you for bringing my Daddy back." You said and bowed your head politely.

Goku knelt down and gave you a bear hug, "Hey, I could do anything for my little niece!" After he said that, he pulled away. "Now that I have you and my brother together, my family is completed." He added. You turned to Raditz with a puzzled look, "He means that we are staying her...forever."He simply explained.

Your eyes lit up and you jumped up and down, "Yay!! We are staying!" You cheered and went to hug you father's leg. He put his hand on your head and you looked up at him with eyes-closed smile.

You finally had your father back and you would live here forever and ever.

The End.

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