10. Raped Prostitute

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I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw my tired eyes with bags under them, proof that I didn't sleep last night. 

I went downstairs and saw my parents eating breakfast while my sister was typing on her phone I just looked at them for a second wondering what i did to deserve them then I left. I couldn't afford not going to school so I had to go today.

I got to school and went to My locker to fetch my books I then went to my next class and sat at the back, I put my head down and blinked tears away.

The class hasn't started yet so I was alone in class. After 20 minutes or so the bell rang and people started filling in the class.


I forgot about her. "Hey where have you been?" She asked looking worried? I looked down not wanting her to see the bruise on my cheek or the eye bags under my eyes. "sick" I whispered. I didn't care whether she believed me or not.

I was tired of trying.

She sat down. Miss Brown got in class and began the lesson.

It was 30 minutes into the lesson when the guy at the woods walked in. My tired eyes look him over.

He handed Miss Brown a piece of paper and she nodded.

He looked my way. When he looked me over he frowned. "Hey over here Chase". My sister called out to him.

He tore his gaze and looked at my sister and walked towards her. "That's my brother" Adeline said.  "And his slutty girlfriend" she said with disgust in her voice, I don't blame her though.

"That's my sister". I whispered to her. "Really wow. I'm sorry" she said shocked. "No don't be she is slutty" I said with a slight giggle  earning a stare from Chase.

It was finally lunch and as I was gonna walk to my usual table, Adeline pulled me to her brothers table not before looking at me weirdly when I flinched at her touch.

She is not him...

Everyone there was so pretty it made me feel left out.
"Hey guys this is my friend Gem" she said. Friends huh.

"That's the girl whose named after a rock that you couldnt stop blabbering about " One of the guys commented earning a few chuckles. I looked to the ground nervously.

They won't hurt you...

I remind myself.

"Stop it Jake!" Adeline shouted at him. She then pulled me to sit down next to her.

They continue their conversation that was interrupted by my arrival but i didnt join in and they didn't bother including me so why bother.

I could feel Chase looking at me from time to time but I ignored it i continued to play with the bread on my plate.

A few minutes later my sister arrives at the table and sits on Chases lap, I for some reason felt a sharp pain pierce my heart at the sight of the two.

She looked at me with hate in her eyes as usual. "What is this slut doing here" she said pointing her finger at me. I look down.

"That's priceless coming from you" Adeline scoffs earning whistles from the boys at the table.

"Not that it's any of your business but I brought her here, got a problem with that" Adeline continues shooting daggers at Alice.

"Ooh I didn't know you allowed prostitutes at this table, did she tell you that she's a prostitute, did she tell you she slept with one of my dad's friends just yesterday" She said with an evil smirk.

"Is that true Gem?" Chase said looking ...hurt? But then he replaced it with disgust.
I started panicking, everyone was looking at me.

"I..I, He... H-he wouldn't stop" I try to explain but end up bursting in tears as I am reminded of what happened last night.

I couldn't take it anymore I got up and ran to the toilet, got into a stall and locked it.

I was crying for the rest of lunch in the toilet, Adeline did try helping me but I told her I needed to be alone. Once the bell rang I quickly cleaned up and went to my locker, got my books and carried on with the suddenly horrible day.
News traveled fast because suddenly everyone was calling me slut, whore and what not the whole day.

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