The Bush and a Lovable Nephilim

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 (Y/N) was looking through her dad's stuff that he left her when he died. There were photo's with pictures of her family before they hunted and before her mother passed away due to a vampire. There were other things in the Box like postcards and a keychain with a bunch of keys attached to it and took a closer look at the keys and she realize that they are for her dad's old cabin where she had so many amazing memories that she decided she wanted to make some more with Sam, Dean, Jack and cas. So (Y/N) made up her mind and went to find Dean to convince him to take a vacation to drive to the cabin she loved for a weekend of relaxation without monsters and only each other. (Y/N) thinks that they all need a vacation from angels to Demons and anything in between. (Y/N) walked into the library where Dean was nursing a beer and reading a book. (Y/N) walked into the library and sat across from him at the table. Dean then noticed her and said "What is it"

"Well my dad still owns a cabin and I want all of us to go for the weekend to take a break"

" I don't know (Y/N) when has that ever worked for us"

"Come on Dean please, I'll bake you a pie" Dean pondered what (Y/N) said for a moment before making a decision that they would visit the property that (Y/N)'s father owned. A smile graced her face as she embraced Dean in a bone-crushing hug. He patted her on the back. Then (Y/N) walks away from him and skipped out of the room to tell Sam, Cas and Jack. That they were going to be visiting her property. (Y/N) knew that the first day at the cabin would be used to clean up the property. (Y/N) found Jack in his room and told him to pack his bags because they were going on a vacation to Virginia. It was hard for (Y/N) to stop grinning as she talked to Sam and Cas. Then walked back to her room and started to pack because (Y/N) was ready for going on a well needed vacation. Dean was annoyed to say the least when (Y/N) said to him that they couldn't take baby instead of taking baby. They took a truck that they could put the weed wacker in and any other tools they needed on their vacation. "We'll Clean up the cabin and then start to get rid of the weeds Sam and I can get groceries" (Y/N) said as they turned onto the small road where the entrance to her property The entrance had a withered Red Gate that had been there since (Y/N) was little (Y/N) got out of the truck and walked up to the gate (Y/N) tried many keys before one clicked into the lock and clicked open (Y/N) moved the gate ver and then motioned for Dean to drive the truck passed the Red Gate (Y/N) went and locked the gate back up and put it it's in its place then (Y/N) went back to the truck and into the passenger seat and Dean and (Y/N) switched spots so that she could drive down the lane way. There was a tree in the middle of the lane way so (Y/N) got out of the truck and went into the cab to pull out two pairs of gloves and a saw "Jack you're going to help me" (Y/N) said to Jack as he scrambled out of the truck and (Y/N) gave him a pair of gloves to put on he slipped them on and followed her to the tree (Y/N) put the saw to work and completed it in cutting it into pieces she dragged the remains with Jack's help off of the trail. (Y/N) and Jack continue down the path as Sam and Dean followed in the truck with Castiel. (Y/N) and Jack come up to the next fallen tree (Y/N) hands Jack the saw. Jack tries to say no but (Y/N) says that she'll work with him on how to cut a tree.

"Jack what is it"

"This place is important to you am I right"

"You are very right Jack" "My dad used to take me here when here we would have bonfires, roast marshmallows and go for walks not to mention I learned how to shoot here" After (Y/N) finished the Fallen trees and cleared away the brush (Y/N) that Castiel to the task of dusting while Dean had to get the power up and running. Sam Jack and (Y/N) went to the grocery store to get everything they needed pie for Dean marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate for s'mores. Sam and (Y/N) we're in the meat (Y/N) picked up hamburger meat and bratwurst sausages then and told Jack to get a few things for them so that they can browse the alcohol without the Lovable Nephilim asking questions because sometimes Jack asked too many questions and they needed a small break. Jack came back with the food. The group finished shopping and went back to the property where the power to the cabin was up and working. (Y/N) went to the shed and brought out a barbecue that worked on charcoal instead of propane there was a memory that (Y/N) had of her father when she was around 8 they went out to The Bush for a weekend and her dad cooked steak and potatoes on the BBQ then the two of them had a fire and roasting marshmallow. (Y/N) got the barbeque up and running for them to use to cook the sausages. Dinner was amazing Team Free Will waited until sunset so they could set up a fire where they drank beer, roasted marshmallows and cooked hot dogs while sharing stories until it was only (Y/N) and Jack as the fire was burning low (Y/N) pulled up Jack and decided to teach him how to dance just by pulling him along to an invisible Melody after they Danced (Y/N) pulled Jack down to the ground and looked at the stars as she pointed and named each of the constellations that were in the sky.

"I tried to quit hunting once"


"Oh yes that's when Sam was in Stanford that I did that"

"Where did you go"


"What's that?"

"New York University, I was in Astrology"

"Did you grow up with Sam and Dean"

"You could say that"

"John and My Father were friends, sometimes when John was on a hunt in the area he would leave the boys with my dad and I"

"What made you want to quit"

"My mum died on a hunt and she had always wanted me to go to university"

"Was your dad happy about your choice"

"He was the one that put in mine and Sam's applications after we scrapped them"

"He told Sam" "Boy if you want to get out than do it" "Then he gave Sam his acception letter to Stanford"

"Your father must've been a great man"

"He was the best"

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