Sky Haven

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Karliah woke up on Alduin's chest, his wings were wrapped around Karliah. She tried to move but his grip was tight. She decided not to move and cuddle him.  She nuzzled into his chest, she thought what she was doing, cuddling with the World-Eater and not killing him. She had a million thoughts running through her head but they all cleared when Alduin nudged her.

 "My little dovah, why are you stressed?"

 "I am?"

" Yes... Are you alright? "

"I was just thinking, were are going to go?"

 "A place called Sky Haven."

 Alduin nudged her neck telling her to get up. After she got up Alduin got up off of his back.

"Alduin, I have a question," Karliah mumbled .

"I may have an answer."

" What...what are your plans for the Dovahkiin? "

"She doesn't matter right now you matter most, let's just get out of here before more of the Blades come, "Alduin said trying to change the subject.

They have been flying for about ten minutes, it was salient, well except for the wind in their "ears". she heard thunder every so often.  They flew over a huge temple, guarded by many dragons.

" That is Skuldufaan, where my portal to Sovengard is. I would have thought the Dovahkiin would raid the place. "

They flew behind the mountains behind Skuldufaan. There was a big opening in the side of the mountain, Karliah followed Alduin in the opening, it was a cave. There was a big pool of water with a small water fall.  It was cold, a bit too cold for Karliah, Alduin put his wing around Karliah and licked her neck. He walked towards the pool of water with Karliah under his wing. He laid down on his side, so did Karliah. 

In the morning Alduin was not there. Karliah assumed he just went for a hunt. With her time she could probably see how she could turn back into her mortal form. 

 "Ugh, why can't I turn into my mortal form," Karliah said after twenty minutes.

All of sudden she was in her mortal form, "So I just say 'turn mortal'?" Karliah thought. She stretched her arms, she missed this form. She was interrupted by heavy wings flying. Karliah had the blue flame in her hands and turned into her dov form.

"You have entertained yourself,have you?" Alduin said dropping four blades.

"You have went back to me he cave!?"

" No, I was just stretching my wings, raising dead dragons. When I was flying back I saw them and thought they would be a good snack. "

 Karliah took one of the four Blades.

"You just want one?"

" Yeah, you deserve it, for protecting me and healing me. Thank you...Alduin. "

Alduin smirked, well it looked like one. He picked up the lifeless bodies and swallowed them whole. Karliah ate hers, she did not like the taste of humans but she had to deal with it.

Trick the World -Eater~ Elder Scrolls fan fiction!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat