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The sun peaks through the window across from my bed. My eyes slowly open and I squint in the bright light. I grab my phone from the nightstand and look at the time. 7:45am. I smile and take a deep breath in through my nose. I can already smell coffee and hear mom rummaging through her pots and pans down stairs.

Thanksgiving. One of our favorite holidays.

I throw the covers off my legs and walk out of my room to my brother's old room, where Sebastian slept last night. My plan to get him back for yesterday flips through my mind and I smile a little to myself as I slowly open his door.

He's still sound asleep. Soft breaths slip between his lips as I crawl onto the bed beside him.

"Sebastian." I whisper in his ear, my lips brushing the soft skin. I drop my head down into the crook of his neck and start leaving a trail of kisses.

Sebastian shifts slightly as he begins to wake up.

I bring my mouth to his and kiss him. I make sure to keep it slow so I don't get too caught up in him. I can't have my own hormones messing me up, which was very possible.

"Good morning to you too." Sebastian smiles, his eyes still closed as I return my mouth the the side of his neck. He grabs my leg and pulls me to straddle him. I can feel how... happy... he is to see me and I can't wait to leave him hanging.

"Hi." I smile and return my lips to his. I allow him to slip his tongue in my mouth for a few seconds before I pull away and slide my hands down his bare chest. I stop for a moment to trace his abs and I almost forget what I'm supposed to be doing.

I slip my hand behind me and feel him.Oh. That's...large. Wait- Why am I surprised?

Sebastian's eyes ignite with a burning like I had never seen. It made my heart beat faster. Maybe this is a little too far.

I remove my hand from him and lean back down to kiss him again. He tries to hold me closer to him but I manage to slide off the bed.

"Madelaine." He says as I walk back across the room to the door. I look at him over my shoulder, smirking at him as I grab the bottom of my shirt and pull it over my head and walk out of the room.

I quickly threw on some jeans and a sweater before pulling my hair up to go help mom get ready for the day. When I turn around to walk out, Sebastian is standing in the door way.

"Going somewhere?" He asks. He is still shirtless and my eyes linger on his abs a little too long to keep him from noticing. Shit.

He walks calmly across my floor, grabs my face, looks me in the eyes and says, "Do that again and you won't leave the bed so easily."

My heart nearly bursts from my chest as warmth pools low in my stomach. I blink once and say. " We'll see." before I smile and walk around him, leaving him standing in my room.

"Good you're up. Can you start slicing the fruit?" My mom asks when I walk into the kitchen.

"Sure." I say and start grabbing what she had laid on the counter.

Around 9:00, Sebastian wakes up Aurelia and she comes down the stairs rubbing her eyes.

"There's my sleeping beauty!" I say excited as I grab her up in a hug.

"Mimi, it's too early." She groans. Sebastian and I look at each other and laugh.

"Aurelia, it's nine o'clock. You never sleep this late at home." I say, still laughing a little. She just buries her head into my shoulder. "Here, I gotta finish helping mom." I say as I hand her over to Sebastian, who has thankfully put on a shirt.

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