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My alarm goes off at 6:00am.

I wake up and it takes me a moment to realize where I am.

Sebastian's living room is similar to mine but I was confused because of the different furniture.

I roll off the couch and make my way to the kitchen. After drinking a glass of water, I start some breakfast.

Sebastian and I stayed up just enjoying each other's company for a while after he stopped crying. I had done my best to comfort him, but since we just met a few months ago, I wasn't sure the best way to make him feel better. So, I just stayed here so that he knew he had someone to lean on and confide in.

Of course he had other friends, but he told me last night that it is sometimes hard to talk to them about what is happening with Alexia. So, he keeps it all bottled up inside until it comes spilling over the edge.

I felt bad for him.

I know how it feels to not be able to confide in anyone for help and I'm glad I can be that for Sebastian.

I hear his door open and he stumbles into the kitchen.

"Good morning." I say with my back turned.

"Good morning." he replies with his deep morning voice.

I turn around to hand him a plate of food and notice he is shirtless. It throws me off for a second but luckily he doesn't see my eyes widen slightly before handing him his plate.

"Thank you. You didn't have to make me anything." he says with a look of awe in his eyes.

"It's not a big deal. Can't have you going on set with an empty stomach." I say smiling. " Would you like milk, orange juice, or water?"

"Orange juice, please." he says before taking a bite of the eggs.

I pour two glasses of orange juice and give one to him before grabbing my own plate and moving to sit across from him. We eat in silence.

I don't think either of us know what to say after last night. I don't want him to be upset right before going to set.

Not long after we finish eating, there is a knock on the door and Sebastian practically runs to open it.

"Daddy!" Aurelia giggles and jumps onto Sebastian.

"There's my girl!" He says just as excited to see her. " I missed you so much baby girl."

"Is Mimi here yet?" she asks.

"She is. She's waiting in the kitchen." Sebastian says as he places her down.

Aurelia sees me and runs at me full speed. I barely have time to brace myself so that she doesn't knock me over.

"Hello, gorgeous!" I say happily as I pick her up and hug her.

"I missed you." She says as she buries her head in my shoulder.

"I missed you, too." I laugh. I look up to smile at Sebastian, but he is looking out the door down the hallway.

"Aurelia, where is your mom?" He asks looking over at us.

Aurelia lifts her head and looks over at him, "She told me to come on up. She didn't want to see you or Mimi."

"She let you walk through the building yourself?" He asks in disbelief as he closes the door.

"Yep! I almost got lost but I remembered our hall is green." Aurelia says, proud that she was able to make it through the building on her own.

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