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After we had all of my bags inside, Sebastian and Aurelia left me to myself in the apartment.

It was a nice place.

The living room had a beautiful view of the city, the kitchen had a spacious layout with a stainless steel refrigerator, sink, and stovetop. The living room and kitchen were the first things you saw when you walked into the apartment.

To the left of the living room and kitchen was my bedroom which had an attached bathroom.

My bedroom had a large window across from my bed and luckily it was on the side where the sun sets in the afternoon. I loved watching sunsets.

The city glowed outside that window. The night life was booming considering it was already 9pm. I guess that would be considered "getting late" back home, but here, it's normal for there to be this many people still roaming the streets.

I heard my phone ringing in the kitchen and ran to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey! How is New York?" Tara's loud and excited voice sounded over the phone.

"It's alright. I haven't been here long enough to decide if I like it yet or not." I say with a small laugh.

"Oh hush. You're going to love it. Plus, you are living with THE Sebastian Stan. Your celebrity crush for YEARS. You're going to love it." She laughs as she teases me.

"Tara, calm down. I may have liked him as an actor but now I consider him a friend so chill out." I roll my eyes. She had told me after I met Sebastian that he must have liked me. I told her she had drank too much and that she was also delusional.

"You'll be spending lots of time around him. Better get prepared to fall in love." Tara was fully laughing now and I was starting to become annoyed with her.

"Is there something you needed, Tara?" I ask with a little bit of irritation in my voice.

"Oh chill out. I'm just picking on you. I just wanted to make sure you were safe." She says.

"Yes. I am safe and sound. But, I'm about to go find some food. I haven't ate at all today." I walk into the living room with the phone still pressed to my ear so that I can find some kind of place to eat on my laptop.

"You better eat." She says concerned.

"I know. It's not that I didn't eat because I felt bad I just didn't want to stop on the way here." I reassure her. I knew she was still worried I wouldn't eat without someone checking on me. She's a good friend.

"Okay. Just take care of yourself and when I get done filming this month I will come up to see you." She says.

I smile at the thought of getting to see her after so long.

"That sounds great. I love you." I tell her.

"I love you too. I'll talk to you later!" She replies and we end the call.

I look out the living room window from where I sit on the black leather couch. My laptop is resting on my lap and I get lost in thought.

Nathan would have loved this view.

A knock at the door makes me jump so hard my laptop slips to the floor with a thud.

"Damn it." I whisper as I pick it up and set it on the cushion as I walk to the door.

I look through the peep hole and see Sebastian.

"Hey." I say as I open the door.

"Hey. How do you like the place?" He asks smiling.

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