Will A. Zeppeli

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(I have a headcanon where Baron has a crippling sandwich addiction😳🥪)

Baron was the sandwich god, having an infinite supply of sandwiches. On the other hand, you were just a mere mortal, too poor to even buy a slice of bread, only lemons. Over the years, you tried lemons in every way possible, baked, fried, pickled. The sandwich god felt pity for you, not being able to enjoy a simple sandwich. Knowing how you loved lemons, he used his sandwich-making powers to craft a special sandwich, a lemon sandwich, and dropped it right in front of your doorstep. 

You heard a thud in front of your door, which was strange, so as any curious person would do, you went to check it out. You screamed at the sight of the sandwich, it was perfect in every way. you happily grabbed it and ate it.

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