i know you just tried to kill me, but do you want some takoyaki?⁸

Start from the beginning

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"I'm telling you, there's this takoyaki shop around the New World that sells takoyaki thiiiis big!"

"I believe it's called Tako Giants. Priding itself as the best Squid Sea King hunters in the whole of Grand Line."

"Tako Giants..! I better remember that when our crew reaches the New World!" You sweatdrop, looking to your side. "But you sure do know your takoyaki stuff..."

The yellow-eyed male doesn't reply, his face hidden in the shadows of his hat with pretty feathers. Peering closer at him, you could see the faintest tint of red on his ears.

"You're embarrassed!"

"I'm not."

"Yeah, you are!" You point at him, cackling as his ears got brighter, "you're all red and stuff!"

As his pace picks up, you followed behind him all the while laughing.

Now that the whole trying to kill you thing was left behind and forgotten, literally in your case, you felt kind of bad that his boat got destroyed.

Kind of, since well, he did try and kill you before he finally backed off. Honestly, you just felt bad because his boat was one of the cooler ones, I mean, where can you even find a coffin boat anyway?

But coffin boat or not, he did try to kill you. So you went ahead and did the logical thing to do in these types of situations.

You offered to accompany him in getting a new boat built on a nearby island.

Yeah...not exactly the best decision you've made thus far.

"You never answered my question." He says after a while of walking down the street. Vendors all around trying to get your attention with flashy banners and signboards.

"You asked a lot. Which one?" You caught up next to him, gloved hands on the back of your neck as bells jingle after your steps.

"Why do you detest the idea of being a swordsman?" He casts his eyes to you from under the shadow of his hat.

You blink, as silence falls on the both of you. A nearby shout from a woman makes you pull your gaze ahead.

"I don't think I'm qualified to be one, that's all."

A woman shouts for her son to stop running ahead of her, catching up to him in huffs of breath with a basket full of loaves.

Your gaze lingers far too long. The swordsman by your side doesn't miss it.

"So, this Giant Tako, how much are they?"

"...only five-hundred beli per dozen." he answers, before adding as an afterthought, "they taste good with wine."

"What kind of taste buds you got?"

"Do you want to get some takoyaki and red wine with me?"

"Ehh, to hell with it."

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"That was a bad idea." You groan, face digging into the wooden counter of a small takoyaki stall that's open until midnight. The vendor inside keeps wiping their equipment clean.

"How so?" The yellow-eyed male takes a sip from his glass of wine. Why the takoyaki vendor sells wine, you don't know.

"I can eat different types of food, okay, but wine and takoyaki just does not do it for me." Your chin digs into the wood, grumbling as a new batch of takoyaki fills your line of vision.

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