Chapter 11

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"Hey um Yashua can I talk to you please?"

"Yeah sure what's up?"


Angie gives me this nasty look like bitch try me get the fuck with your big ass forehead get your toxic ass outta here no body likes you bruh anyways, Yashua gives me a confusing look but then nods and we walk to the kitchen where we're alone

"what did you want to talk about?"

"okay look i know you're gonna get pissed off by what ima say but, yash you need to break up with Angie, she's toxic she's with you for fame and money she even cheated on you, you're worth so much more than to be with someone like her"

"What gives you the right to talk about her when you don't even know her"

"Yashua i-"

"What? Richard told you all that bullshit about her, or is it that you just want me so bad again that you're coming up with this crap"

"Shut the fuck up shut up!!! You have no fucking right talking about Richard like that when he's just trying to protect you, and I'm telling you this so that you don't get hurt but your stubborn ass doesn't wanna listen, but you can't say shit that I didn't fucking try and stop you because I did I'm being a good friend because that's what we are trying to get you out of a toxic ass relationship but since don't wanna listen fine!! Fuck off do what you wanna do but I'm not supporting you're stupid relationship with her"

"Fine! Then don't I never asked for you opinion about my relationship did I? You can't be talking because Ace choose his career over you and you can't even see that Richard likes you"

"Ace is in the past and I learned I won't take him back because I don't want to be with someone who's life is in danger and so what if Richard likes me, that's him not you, look I don't wanna fight but.. please be careful Yashua I don't want you to get hurt"

"Look I appreciate you looking out for me but, please don't interfere in my relationship unless Me or Angie ask you too"

"I'll see"

He chuckled softly and gave me a hug

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you like that" he says

"It's okay I'm sorry too" I say

"It's okay" he reply's

He smiled and went back outside and I stayed in the kitchen looking down, he really is stubborn at least I tried I heard someone coming from behind me

"Are you okay?" Richard asks

I turn around and he hugs me and I start crying

"He's right ace really did leave me I thought I was over him but why does it hurt?"

"Shh sh sh it's okay let it out you'll be over him soon"

"He left today for Colombia that means I have to forget him he's my past and he's dangerous I can't be involved with someone like him"

Me and Richard break the hug and then Aaliyah comes and hugs me and then hugs Richard, she throws her arms up and Richard picks her up and she leans over to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek and says

"Papi always says that a hug and a kiss and a smile is always the medicine to stop being sad"

"Aww baby thank you, seems like papi was right" I say giving her a kiss on her head and she giggles

Yashuas POV:

I know my parents don't really like Angie  but they're talking about y/n a lot

"Ojalá que y/n y Richard sean novios Aaliyah la quiere mucho y parece que Richard también" my dad says

"Una mujer así necesitas tu mira Yashua, ella iso maduro y el arroz y esta tu novia que? Nada" my mom says

"Mami ya basta no hable así de ella que mire usted no la conoce"

"No mijo es que ella si la conocemos y te engaño, carajo es que de verdad tienes que ser tan pendejo para regresar con ella" my dad says

"Im gonna go to the bathroom" Angie says

"Mijo ella no es para ti vete con alguien como y/n pero angie no" my mom says

"Mami déjame si? Ella cambió ya no es como antes"

"Pero mira cómo es y/n tu hermano la quiere, yo también, tu papa, Richard, Aaliyah, todos y Angie? Nadie, mijo te digo esto porque te quiero"

"Yo se mami, yo se"  kisses me on the head and my dad a pat on the back, I looked over to the to my left which is where the kitchen is and I see y/n with Richard and Aaliyah looking like a family

Maybe I should've never let her go but now it's too late


Maybe I should've never let her go but now it's too late•••••••_______________________________

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okay so I kinda got something but I don't have it on a timeline yet

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