Mika knows everything

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*few days later*

Mika's pov:

I was getting ready for school and everything was fine, UNTIL....

So my brother somehow figured it would be a good idea to prank our neighbor, in 7:00am

You wonder what he did?
He covered neighbor's bicycle in peanut butter and seeds, so it would be a nice meal for passing birds


I ran to my window to see what's going on, turns out my brother got peanut butter all over himself and now he's been attacked by bunch of birds

"Oh my God, MILES! WE HAVE SCHOOL! Hurry up Gee...!"

I yelled at him but only thing I heard back is bunch of screaming

'What a way to start the day'

I thought and made my way outside so I can help my brother.

We got him cleaned up but his hair was just so messed up I didn't think I could save it, I did on the end but it was hard


I keept my cool so I don't give my brother more trauma, birds were enough

We made our way outside...finally, and started walking towards school

"Um Mika? Are that Chapa and Lara? "

He pointed at two girls who were obviously Chapa and Lara, that got me by surprise

"Weird, Chapa barely talks to us if we're not in school... But she has been acting kinda specific towards Lara, right? You hang out with Chapa more"

"Yeahh, and she's been talking about Lara, she never talks about anybody. And it's not even in a bad way! I know Chapa is a good person but she is NOT the one to give compliments"

Miles analysed Chapa and that made me analyse Lara more closely

"Same for Lara, she doesn't necessarily talk a lot about her BUT she looks at her with that weird look in her eyes, she blushes and is more happy after she made up with Chapa, MUCH more happy.... Do you think, do you think they might be in
like-like with each other?"

I told him and we stopped to think a little bit, Miles nodded

"I mean it has a really high chance, they are both showing hella lot's of signs sis. But they are obviously both SO dense! "

I nodded in approval to his statement, then I got an idea

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking? "

My brother said all smiley while rubbing his hands together

"We are doing it right? "

I said and he nodded, I smiled evilishly

"Mission ChaRa begins, now"

Miles said and I complimented the way he came up with a name.

Eventually we made our way on top and opened the door to our classroom, we saw Bose talking with Chapa and Lara was on her phone

I gave my brother a sign and we gave each other a high five

'Okay, Lara is your best friend. I can just straight up tell her and I know she won't be mad but.... I want this to happen more naturally, I need to think of something to talk about that involves Chapa a lot and let's see how she reacts. There are high chances she likes her but you can never be too shure when you assume'

//𝙵𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎, 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐// Danger ForceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang