Why are you apologizing?

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*2 days later*

Lara's pov:

I didn't sleep for two whole nights, am I shocked? No
Did I expect to care so much?
Also no
Do I know why I care so much? Yes and no.

I just couldn't get her careless face out of my mind no matter how hard I tried its turning ridiculous!

'Should I apologize?... I mean, I am the one who stormed away before she even said something... But how could I know if she had anything to say in the first place??? Maybe she really didn't care, or at least didn't have the time to process to start caring...
But you saw her yesterday! She didn't do anything, she's not even phased!
But maybe she needs some time, she doesn't seem like a person to apologize first...
But she should!
But should I??? '


I yelled in frustration, this girl is really pulling my strings and it shows, I fought with my mind over the same topic for TWO days now

"Why are you yelling! "

My mom yelled at me from downstairs and I don't want to fight, I have enough on my mind

"I'm scolding myself! Let me be confused in peace! "

I yelled back at her and she just laughed, I wanted to make it sound funny but in reality I don't think it is.

'I really need to get a hold of myself don't I? '

I mean, she didn't ruin my life, just my sleeping schedule that was already bad by itself

I got out of my bed and got ready for school,
Then I gone downstairs to hug my mother and take my keys so I can leave the house.

As I was walking I looked at the clouds, they reminded me of dreams. You know how you can find different shapes of clouds that actually make sense? Well my mother used to tell me those clouds are just something that's left from dreams the night before... As a kid I of course I believed her and I was looking everywhere to find those dinosaurs I used to dream about. Spoiler alert, I never found them.

Plus, staring at the clouds made me look ten times more dramatic

"Haha, if only... "

I stopped in mid sentence when I heard someone walking behind me, I didn't want to seam weird so of course I stopped talking, breathing to loudly and blinking

That someone now walked besides me and I couldn't resist looking

"Hi Chapa... "

I was shocked to see her but I didn't want to show it, since I'm "mad" At her

"Yeah, that's my name please don't wear it off Beish"

She didn't even look at me, she just acted like nothing was said


I said and looked away, unlike her I SUCK at making resting bitch face, so I clearly looked upset

And in that moment she decided to look at me and took one of her airpods out, she started handing it to me

'Wait, wha?'

I looked at her weirdly but her hand stayed in place, I hesitantly took it

'Wonder what she's listening to...'

I put the airpod in my ear and I recognized the song right away

//𝙵𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎, 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐// Danger ForceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin