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Surgery day.

The last chance, the last hope, and more than likely your last day alive.

Kenma had stayed the night last night. He said he couldn't leave and that he wanted to spend this time with you. You knew that was basically code for "your most likely going to die so I'm going to spend what little time we have left loving and distracting you"

You had played board games, watched movies and other stuff. He had held you all night. You were intoxicated all night long by his smell. You missed him and your sleepy cuddle nights from when he was in the hospital. You spent most nights in one of your beds.

Besides the point, today was surgery day. Today was  the day you'd have your skull cut into. You weren't scared of the surgery, you were scared for Kenma. You remembered how it felt when Kenma was in surgery. The constant thought of  "he could die at any moment" rang in your head the whole time until you saw him. When you saw him, the way he looked it was a reassurance that he was in fact alive.

You hoped more than anything- for Kenma to feel that. That relief and happiness.

You were about to go for surgery. Kenma and your mom were walking with you. "We're going to do so many great things, we will be great okay? That's why you need to survive this" "y-yea" you said. "I love you, so much" Kenma said. "I-I l-lovee yo-u too"

You said. Kenma leaned down and kissed you. His kiss was loving and warm. He then kissed your forehead. Your mom hugged you and kissed your cheek. "I love you y/n" "I l-love you m-mom" you said.

Then they wheeled you to the surgery room. You were breathing in the air that would make you fall asleep. You suddenly think about calling off the surgery. You didn't want to die yet. You start looking around. You felt yourself slowly fall into sleep.

You laid during surgery, the surgeons cutting into your skull. You dreamt about it.

A normal life

You dreamt that you and Kenma had met at a school, not a hospital. That your first date was a dinner and a movie type of thing, not eating shitty hospital food in bed. That your first kiss was under a tree— or something romantic. You dreamt of Kenma dancing with you at your wedding.

It felt like a different world, dimension and universe that you wished you could have experienced.

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