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A year later.

It was officially a year. One year without you. Kenma wasn't the same person, and he never would be.

That was okay. He had come to terms with the fact that he was a new and different person thanks to you.

He walked to the graveyard your grave specifically. He stood there the cold freezing him. The sound of snow being stepped on filling his ears.

"Hello, y/n." He said.

"I'm just going to start talking. I miss you. Everyday, in every part of me I miss you. God, I can barely think about you without wanting to cry. I feel you everyday, in every part of my body, everywhere. Yet I'm still looking for you, waiting to wake up from this nightmare. To open my eyes and see you, in my arms sleeping."

Kenma whipped a few tears.

"To hold you in my arms, just one more time, I think that would be enough"

He said.

"I've been reading a lot. I've gone over to your house so many times, I've re read every single one of your books Atleast once. Sometimes I'd just lay in your bed hoping you'd show up. I feel like I'm alone But, I think that's normal. It's normal and I need to learn to be strong, to be happy alone. As much as I wish I didn't have to. I brought your favourite book. I had to buy a new one because I ripped the other one out in frustration. Besides the reason I'm here, I came to read to you one last time" he said.

He read for a few chapters until his feet were to cold to stay out any longer.

Then he walked away whispering a silent.

Goodbye y/n, I love you. I'll always love you.

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