Gaira VS Skull Crawlers

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A deep sea fishing trolley has found itself lost. The ship sails towards dark clouds and fierce waves. A hurricane seemingly stuck in place around an island. Jagged rocks make the waters around it even more treacherous. If anyone else was in the area and could see the ship they'd think the crew had gone insane. But the truth is that they are sailing into this storm for safety. For something much worse has been chasing them, and land is their only hope for safety.

The ship fights past waves taller than some buildings, past winds that belong in a hurricane, and past rocks larger than the ship itself. The ship's entire thirty plus crew are all inside the ship staying as far away from windows and doors as they can. The Captain of the ship is at the helm and working hard against the elements to make certain his crew makes it to the island he found by pure chance.

The ship's sonar detects a large creature coming up from below. It moves fast, coming towards them. Far bigger than the ship the Captain tries to increase speed while fighting waves to keep the ship from capsizing. The ship lurches forwards as they crest a wave and makes it to peaceful waters. The sun shines in the eye of the storm and the crew give a cheer believing safety is theirs at last as the Captain slows down to get closer to shore.

Giant tentacles wrap around the ship in several places. The Captain tries to push the engine forward to escape the beast's grasp but the tentacles are unyielding. The ship is lifted out of the water as the people inside are tossed around. Some of the tentacles break windows and drag crewmen out to be pulled out of sight. The tentacles raise the ship a good twenty feet when suddenly they go slack and the ship falls back into the water with a crash of water.

The Captain wastes no time as he floors the boat in a bid to make for shore. He doesn't know what that squid, that modern day kraken was, but he does know what the green hand that pealed the tentacle off of him was. Like his crew the Captain is far more scared of the creature that hand belongs to than the tentacles that came from the depths. The crew is so shaken and scared in their bid for land they don't see the shoreline creeping up quickly on them and end up crashing on the beach.

As the crew recovers they look out over the waves. The waters churn as a battle under the waves takes place. The Captain begins to shout commands to grab whatever they could, arm whatever weapons they have, and to follow him inland to safety.

Little do they know the lands of this island are just as dangerous as its waters. For life on Skull Island is nothing if not hostile.

Chapter One: Calamari

The giant leviathan that tried to crush the ship is known as a Mire Squid. It's species inhabit the shallow waters around Skull Island where it awaits prey to ambush them. The creatures regularly grow to anywhere between 90 and 110 feet long from head to tentacle tip. This particular individual is only around 88 feet, a young one. It believed it had scored easy prey when another predator grabbed its tentacles and forcibly removed them from the ship.

The Mire Squid released its prey to confront the intruder. It suddenly finds itself facing a predator larger than itself and more aggressive. The beast is humanoid, has green colored fur helping it camouflage in the green algae and seaweed forests of the ocean. It has a human-like face but with a large wide nose, tusks protruding from the mouth, and long elf-like ears. The beast's eyes see clearly in the water and the squid is the target of its sight. The squid attempts to strangle the strange green beast but quickly finds its tentacles ripped by strong hands and devoured in front of it. The beast, known to humanity as the monster Gaira, grabs several tentacles and begins heading towards shore.

MBS #21: Gaira vs Skull Crawlersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें