The Show Must Go On {18}

Start from the beginning

                I just wanted to have another good night with him. Yesterday, we had put on some music and cuddled until it got dark. We had laid outside, star gazing and talking, occasionally sharing kisses. It was relaxing, and I loved it.

                The bell rang and I got up, heading off to lunch, the day going by surprisingly fast. I grabbed my lunch out of my locker and went to the cafeteria, sitting down with Scott and Bennett.

                “My parents said you guys can come over for dinner if you want,” Scott said as I sat down.

                “I can’t. I told Neo I’d hang out with him after school,” I said.

                “Of course you did,” Bennett said.

                “Shut up,” Scott said with a sigh. “Bennett, are you coming for dinner or not?”

                “Not,” Bennett said. “My father is having some important clients over for dinner. Sorry, Scott.”

                “It’s fine. It means I don’t have to set the table,” Scott said, shrugging.

                “Alex,” Bennett said, looking over at me.

                “Alexander,” I corrected.

                “Whatever. Your relationship with Neo…people are noticing it. At the Andersons’ brunch, my parents noticed how close you two were,” he said.

                “Well, we’re dating,” I said. “Of course we act close.”

                “You’re usually good at keeping your boyfriends quiet,” Bennett said.

                “I don’t want to keep Neo quiet,” I said.

                “And what about Donnie?” Bennett raised an eyebrow.

                “He’ll know eventually. I doubt your parents are going to tell him,” I said, taking a bite of my sandwich.

                “Neo’s parents won’t want people to know their son is dating a boy. They’ll worry how it’ll make them look,” Bennett said.

                “Cry me a river,” I said.

                “This conversation is getting awkward, so either change it, or send me pictures of koalas to distract me,” Scott said.

                “Let’s change it. I’d rather save the koala pictures for when I piss you off,” I said.

                “Well that alone pisses me off,” he said.

                “I can tell by your lack of emotion how filled with rage you are,” I said.

                “You better watch it. 10 episodes later, and I know how to get away with murder,” Scott said.

                I rolled my eyes. “Right. Well, we should have a movie night soon. We haven’t done that in a while,” I said.

                “I hate horror movies,” Scott said.

                “Yet you watch more than Bennett and I combined. This weekend, we’ll have a horror movie marathon one night,” I said. “Bennett, find some good scary movies.”

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