Shifting Trial 5

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So, while this is still pretty fresh in my mind. 

January 17th, 2021


To prep for this attempt I cleaned my room, took a shower, organized my tasks for the next day, got ready for bed, and tried to relax. I intentionally kept my stress and actions to a minimum to keep my heart rate down and body relaxed. 


I decided to lay on my floor this time. I put a pillow and blanket on the floor. Turned my fan on, put rain sounds on, and used an hour long Hogwarts Subliminal on Musi and made my room dark before laying down. 


I wrote myself a Script [included in the next chapter] with the basics like: where, when, who, and what. Check out the next chapter called DR 1 Script  for more information. 


I used the Raven method for this attempt. I did this in starfish position with my eyes closed and I breathed exclusively through my nose. All affirmations were said in my head. 

**Raven Method: count from 1 to 100 [or higher if you want to] and say an affirmation between each number: I am shifting, I am going to Hogwarts, I am traveling to my DR**


Almost immediately I found my body getting heavy and waves of motion rocking me. I think the script helped me nail down what I wanted to go to specifically and almost immediately I started to see flashes of places. 

Unintentionally I went to the train station, platform 9 3/4. It was not scripted in nor was it on my mind when I laid down.

 I saw the busy platform first and I was chasing after my DR brother who is in Primary [explained in DR 1 Script ] to the wall that brings you to the platform, our parents following behind us. The first pull I felt was going through the wall. 

At this point it felt like I was viewing myself from above, like some sort of phantom or bird. I followed myself through the wall and my body got heavy and numb and my mind drew closer to DR me. 

There was a spinning feeling in my body in my room and I was only partially aware that I was still in my room because all I saw and felt was the train station. 

I could see myself bring my luggage to the loading bay and I took my cat, Jinx, from his carrier before turning to my parents to say goodbye. 

After that I followed myself onto the train, found an empty compartment, set Jinx down and then watched myself sit by the window. 

**Earlier I had done a bit of research and was led to believe I needed to sit into the DR body of myself and fall asleep. The people I had researched said when you fall asleep in CR in your DR body, you wake up in DR. So that's what I tried**

I sat into myself and then suddenly I was the body. This was the second big wave I felt pulling my consciousness up and CR body down.I could move my arms and legs and see my cat. 

Now I just needed to fall asleep in CR. 

I was waiting, I could see and hear people moving outside of my train compartment, chatting and settling in for the ride. 

I leaned myself against the window and focused on my breathing, on what I was feeling from the train: the soft cushioned seats, the cool of the glass window, my cat curled up beside me. 

I was having trouble falling asleep, I found myself resting in DR but I was unable to fall asleep in CR. 

AND THEN... my subliminal sound in CR stopped and a new one started with someone talking and I was startled out of DR. 

So, I didn't shift. But I think I got close. 

Jan 18th: 

I tried again with Raven method, this time in my bed and with a different sound [longer]. But I couldn't get past 40 and I wasn't seeing anything. I ended up falling asleep. 

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