"suck my dick"

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i walked into school totally done with everything, my parents fought again and i couldnt take it anymore. i went into my first class and sat in the back like always. i had no friends, i didnt need them.
about 90% of the people in my school were just jerks. i hated almost everyone here, the nerdy ones were fine tho. at least they were quiet.
and you had the more shy guys who got picked on a bit. i hated seeing that happen but what could i do about it right?
well this afternoon after my last class i saw the biggest douchebag, dickhead and stupid bitch of our school, jake. pushing one of the more shy guys against the lockers.
i couldnt bare watching it anymore. i walked over there and pushed jake away from the boy. "oi! fuck off!" i yelled at him.  he was angry. shit
he came walking up to me and pushed me against the locker. i spit in his face and kicked him where the sun dont shine.
he fell to the ground and i kicked him once more after that "suck my dick" i said and i walked away.
the shy guy followed me and stopped me "hey... sam"
"yeah what?" i said turning my face to him.
"thanks for that" he said softly smiling at me. he was a sweetheart. i didnt know his name however.
"yeah no problem... whats your name again?" i asked him in my nicer voice, wich i did not use often.
"oh its Nick.." 
"well nick..next time he does that just fight back, you can easily take him" we walked out of the school.
"i guess..." he said not looking at me.
"yk what nick i like you.. we should hang out"
he looked at me like nobody had asked him thst before "i mean yeah.. sure. when?" he asked with a smile growing on his face.
"what about right now?"
"of course"
we walked to his house and sat in the living room. i introduced myself to his parents, they were nice. unlike my own.
me and nick sat on the couch and talked about basically everything, hes really funny and sweet.
he was a lot taller then me and he had the most adorable face.
we kept hanging out after that, he always had new jokes and sarcastic comments at the ready and i loved that about him.
this time we were in his room sitting on his bed, he was passionately talking about his music and instruments he liked to play.
i cut him off
i pressed my lips onto his
he didnt expect it but he quickly relaxed.
i pulled back after a while..
"ive been building up the courage to do that" i said right after. and it was the truth. i was waiting to do it.
he looked at me with a big smile on his face and he was blushing. "i definetly did not expect that" he said letting out a slightly nervous chuckle.
he layed down and i put my head on his chest. i couldnt believe i fell for this guy
the quiet, shy, ( very handsome i may add) music kid Nick O'Malley

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