Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, it does," He kissed the top of my head before placing his chin there. "Time has really flown by since then," He let out a loud sigh. "I wish we could just freeze or slow downtime."

That ache in my heart came back. The one I get whenever I think about Phoenix leaving in a couple of weeks, and let's face it, these days, it's constantly on my mind. Long-distance relationships bring many questions and worries that you won't have the answers to until you're going through it. Being apart makes me feel sick to my stomach, and an emptiness creeps into my heart. He's been away at college before, and it was fine, but now we are together. This feeling is new and so different than what I felt when he used to leave. I'm finally with my forever love, and just when we are the happiest we could be, he is going away.

"Scar?" Phoenix said as my eyes filled with tears.

"Hm?" Was all I could muster up to hide the fact that I was seconds from bursting into tears from a thousand emotions.

"Babe, look at me," His tone was soft yet concerned. I slowly lifted my head, looking back at him. As soon as his eyes met mine, his face fell. "Scarlett, what's wrong?"

My lip quivered, staring at him with a few seconds of silence while the first tear fell down my cheek. "I'm scared."

Nix furrowed his brows, reaching his hand over to wipe the tears now uncontrollably streaming down my face. "What are you scared of? The trial?"

I shook my head. "No, no...of us...what's going to happen when you leave and what's it going to do to you and me...and..."

"Hey, hey, shh," His voice was soft as I felt his heart begin to pound against his chest. "Nothing is going to happen to what we have, Scarlett. I won't let anything come between us. I've waited too long to have you in my damn arms, and I will fight like hell to keep it that way for the rest of my life."

"But...what if you get too stressed with baseball and school? What if I end up a burden? I don't want to ever be someone that prevents you from your dreams, and I'm terrified that once you get on that plane that everything will just change. That the fairytale we are living in right now will fade away," My words came out quiet and shaky.

Phoenix swallowed slowly with a creased forehead. "Being with you was always one of the biggest dreams I had, and it came true. You are my dream, Scarlett Wolf. I don't give a shit about how many miles are between us. You could live in the fucking Sahara Desert, and I could only see you once a year, but that would never change how I feel or what we have," He sat us both up on the blanket as I turned to face him. "There is no doubt in my mind that you are my soulmate, and when you find them, you never let go. You hold onto each other for dear life. You love each other until your last breath on earth and wherever you go after. What we feel right now? That shit will never fade."

There were so many tears in my eyes that he looked like a blurred shape, but I felt every word he said in my heart. I knew he meant it, and I was so overcome with relief and happiness that I threw my arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly. "I love you so much it hurts," I let out a breath before I sniffled. "I believe that no one is put on earth complete, and we spend our lives searching for the person that holds that one piece we have been missing," I pulled away, still in his arms. "You have always been mine, but just recently, you gave to me what I have been waiting for...the part of me that made me complete. Now that I have that feeling, I'm scared it will go away once you're gone."

He smiled gently as his eyes glistened. "No matter where we are, together or apart, we will always be complete. We don't have to be right next to each other to feel the love we share. It's so strong that you'll feel it every second of every day. You'll feel it with each text, call, facetime, visit home or when you come to me, and every letter. But if you ever feel that part of you fading, call out to me and shine that bright light of yours because I will always find beautiful lighthouse."

Out of His League: Book Two (18+)Where stories live. Discover now